Daniel Burke — Exonerate LaRouche Profile picture
Volunteer with @laroucheorg and @SchillerInst / Proponent of Lyndon LaRouche's method of Peace Through Development

Aug 15, 2022, 16 tweets

🧵Mark Carney's "CO2 Reduction" Policy is Malthusian Genocide

1. The eradication of poverty in Africa will require LOTS OF CO2!
2. The "Environmentalism" of the Anglo-American Liberal System is just EUGENICS, rebranded.

Mark Carney, former chief of the Bank of England⬇️


First it must be stated that all monetary (GDP) data used in these tweets, including references to "extreme poverty" are imperfect and do not necessarily indicate the situation in the physical economy.

Nevertheless they are the best that we have at the moment.


Even the World Bank must admit--over the past 40 years, China has lifted 800 MILLION people out of extreme poverty, which accounts for around three quarters of all people globally who emerged from extreme poverty in that period.

What allowed for this beautiful achievement?


More than 50 yrs ago, American economist Lyndon LaRouche identified the crucial role of energy-flux density in physical economics.

The power to increase the standards of living follows from the ability to increase such measures as energy density of fuels & kWh per capita.


According to ourworldindata.org/energy, energy use per capita in China in 1981 was at 4,698 kWh. A marked leap upwards takes place around the year 2000.

By 2021, this figure is 30,322 kWh/person.

That's a 5,453% increase.


Now take a look at two other countries, Ghana and Uganda, as their figures appear in these statistics.

1981: 2147
2019: 3294

1981: 260
2019: 862

It is no surprise that large populations of these nations are suffering from extreme poverty.


Although China has made an heroic commitment to build 150 new power plants over the coming 15 years--more than the entire world has built in the last 35 years--it is clearly impossible to provide the enormous increases in energy required for Africa through nuclear alone.


So called "renewables" solar & wind, better termed "interruptibles" or "unreliables," are incapable of creating the energy increases required.

African nations have fossil fuel resources that must be developed, but Carney's supranational agencies are blocking them.


Using the excuse of "carbon emissions," in November 2021 Mark Carney organized the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero, a commitment among 450 firms representing $130 trillion of assets to stamp out fossil fuel investment.

This is mass murder with the stroke of a pen.


The representatives of "Global Britain," including British PM candidate Sunak, have worked diligently to force formerly colonized nations into accepting the Net Zero framework, hoping to keep the British Empire alive as a "net zero aligned financial center."



The British Empire's "environmentalism" has ALWAYS been simply a continuation of the eugenics policy implemented by Adolf Hitler.

Read the words of Sir Julian Huxley in EIR's 2015 "How the British Turned Genocide and Race Science 'Green'."



Huxley's core mission was laid out in his 1948 speech to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature: “The spread of man must take second place to the conservation of other species.”

Where was this policy enacted? Naturally, in Africa. Through the WWF.


Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., 2007:

“Eugenics... This was the program on which the Nazi party was founded...

Which is the same thing as ‘global warming’ today, exactly the same ideology, rewarmed with a new name, but with the same intention.”



A new movement is growing, of national governments reasserting their sovereign right to economic development under a restored international law.

African representatives of that movement now rebuke Blinken & COP27.


Begin with a commitment to the full physical economic development of Africa.

Do not waver from that mission. It is the moral test for humanity.

Every child is born in the living image of God. Every child can become a genius.

We must end colonial genocide, forever.


Listen to the recorded space I recorded with @RevStatus, @SameeraKhan, and others in which we addressed the content of this thread:

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