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Neighbourhood asshole

Aug 16, 2022, 135 tweets

🧵Thread of youtubers that mocked + profited off the collective abuse of Amber Heard, an abuse victim-survivor. To them, there's only 1 right way for a 'real victim' to act, otherwise you're lying and deserve mockery & hate.
#AmberHeardDeservesAnApology #AmberHeardIsASurvivor

A number of these creators have spoken about harassment against women and have rallied behind progressive movements.
Ironically, they became or proved to be what they're against by selling their souls for the popular opinion and sound bites.

Whether you believe Amber or not, profiting off a domestic abuse case is tasteless and low. These creators chose to mock & deride a possible abuse victim.
They'll cry "cancel culture" and "move on" after destroying Amber's life. Amber won't see your videos but survivors have.

They've peddled harmful myths on coercive control & abuse.
--Threads for info--
Amber Misinformation:
DV Victim blaming myths
Depp coercive control

Depp fans harass expert witnesses

📢 Starting this off with our favourite acting coach, @Jacksepticeye, generously teaching us the correct way of testifying the most traumatic experience of your life in court while you're surrounded by hostility because you were sued by your superstar abuser.

Yeah, this is a bit rich coming from you, Jack. Do YOU believe in what you're saying here?
I don't think you can make that grotesquely hateful video then get away with pretending to be a
~ feminist ally ~, do you, Jack?

Comes as no surprise as he has a history of being a scumbag without consequences.
Doesn't do anything to quell the alt-right and racism in his fanbase.
It's not his fault if those people are drawn to him, but it's no coincidence so many are, is it?

Really said "I hate this bitch" for the crime of *checks notes* making a weird face as she recounted what might be the worst day of her life, and sounding "rehearsed" when making a court testimony live streamed to the whole world.

Astute observation, pewds

📢 Penguinz0/@MoistCr1TiKaL
A gaming/movie review/whatever channel, his videos racking up around 9 million views in total on the trial. Ironic how he'll make fun of grifters, 'alpha males', and abusers and here he is.

📢@Asmongold /Asmongold TV
We know him for notoriously making many, many, many videos grifting off the case during the trial

📢 Aba & Preach
A commentary channel with 1.74m subscribers
They've made 10+ videos on the case and are garden-variety misogynists and red pill-lite.

And no, being tough on everyone doesn't erase how you level misogyny at women specifically once it's their turn.

Has made around 10 videos about Amber. Another celebrity gossip channel so this shouldn't come as a huge surprise.
Though you'd think they would know better when they've "exposed" predators and covered celebrities that have been exploited

📢Boze vs the world/Ericka Bozeman
A streamer with 695K subscribers and talks about socio-political and social media topics. She's made... a lot of videos on Amber.

I remember tuning into one of her earliest videos on the trial and she said something to the effect of
'I'm not here to come after another girl, that's not what I'm here for'
Yeah that's clearly a lie ain't it?

📢Caitlin Reilly
Known for her short videos where she acts like various specific archetypes of annoying people you have known.
She has made 1 video mocking Amber's lawyer that racked up 2 million views

📢sixteenleo / @sixteenleo
A commentary channel with 527K subscribers that talks about the usual commentary channel topics. He's made 3 videos on the trial with very tasteful thumbnails.

📢Pierre XO / @Antidagger
A commentary channel of 320 K subscribers and made 3 videos on the recent trial
Another dude that thinks he's smarter than he really is because he adds "what it says about society" at the end of some video titles.

Not this guy touting himself as a free thinker and dickriding depp just like everyone else.

Tell us what that means about society, Pierre.

Joe rogan / @joerogan
For someone that's endured smear campaigns of his own by being misrepresented through soundbites & edited clips, he's more than happy to inflict that onto someone else.
I'm sure Amber being a woman made it much easier to do so.

Here he is laughing exuberantly as a guest recounts how he SA'd 20 women. Y'know, just like normal decent men do.

A pop culture commentary channel with 471K subscribers, and made multiple videos on the trial totalling around 20 million views.

📢Joseph Morris / @JosephMorrisYT
To THIS day is still making multiple videos on Amber Heard circulating false information that has been debunked.


Good lord, I think we get it now. You're really desperate to milk it.
I could whisper that Amber sheds her skin every month and snorts crushed butterflies for nourishment, and I'll see a new video on this channel about it within 12 hours.
And close your mouth, sir.

📢 Swoop / @SpankieV
A standard commentary channel with 371K subscribers, made 8 hours worth of content on the trial, much of it consisting of "a victim doesn't do thaaaaaaat" as per usual from this crowd. Tried to act like she wasn't biased but clearly is.

📢Colonel Kurtz / @colonelkurtz99
Relatively small channel but not just your average grifter. This person really has it out for Amber

Unsurprisingly a Manson supporter too.
Will every woman alleging abuse from a powerful, famous man be dismissed as "Amber Heard 2.0" now?

Also defended + contributed to the attempted doxxing of Kamilla, a DV survivor that made informative threads on the trial, which lead to the actual doxxing of another woman.

And she justified it because she believes it's Kamilla, based on the strenuous connection of them both being black. That woman is taking legal action for the harassment she received right now. Yet, she doubled down.

Ooh, making fun of another victim of sexual assault and making light of date r*pe. You're really not like other girls and so edgy.

Another hot take - apparently women's rights was a mistake! Funny of her to say that when she likes to sling around that Phd of hers.

📢The Behavior Panel/ @behaviorpanel
In a deleted video analysing Gabby Petito footage, they concluded that SHE was the abuser by mishearing simple statements of hers as "contradictions". After Gabby's body was found they deleted the video and backtracked in their "Update" video

Now, repeating the same willingness to assume a woman is lying or hysterical ...

📢Graenolf / @graenolf
Made this video that got almost 2 million views and another that got less

📢Korean Comic
Makes short comedy skits on very original topics like 'Asian parents mean, white parents nice', and generic Asian jokes.
Kept being original by grifting on the newest hot topic and making the same jokes as everyone else.

📢Kiana Docherty
Makes videos on a variety of topics including weight loss, pop culture, and fat people apparently

She also made a single video on Amber judging her based on vibes. Apparently if you act differently over 4 yrs and have a multi-faceted personality, you shouldn't be believed.

She stated how in 2012 Amber was basically sweeter and mellow but in 2008 she was upbeat, with a "completely different voice" and "aggressive mannerisms", and nitpicked the way she posed in a press interview.

In 2008 Amber would've been 22 years old and 26 in 2012. It says more about you that maturing or changing over 4 years is a foreign concept and indicates inauthenticity.

📢I am Eloho
What can I say. At least they're short, right?

📢The Behavioral Arts
Soo we all know by now "body language" is not a science and is a load of shit right?

Since we wanna go by ~ vibes ~ so badly, he looks like a shady street artist that lurks around Las Vegas accosting naïve tourists by telling them he can read your mind or your chakras

Him rambling about an incredibly specific criteria for what a real victim does. So, being educated about the "perfect victim" myth, means you can't be a victim. This makes ZERO sense.
How was he this close to getting the point only to veer off course at the last minute.

📢TehMimi / @TehMimi
A commentary channel with 241K subscribers and has made 2 videos on the trial.

📢Ozzy Man Reviews / @OzzyManReviews
Made a 6 part series on the trial with all videos with over a million views.
Love how all the people that think they're above bullshit, the mainstream media and 'woke' this or that dive right into the trap when they agree with it.

📢Christina Randall / @UrFavChristina
Generally makes videos on True Crime by regurgitating news sources and has made videos through the whole trial

📢 Pokimane / @pokimanelol
Has made 3 videos, one over 6 hours

She apparently "debated" some guy, xQc, bout it and gave the slightest benefit of the doubt to Amber's side and predictably got shit on for it
Nevertheless, she grifted hard and still mocked and profited off AH, so I'm including her anyway.

📢 Meat Canyon/Papa Meat/ @meatcanyon
Makes cartoons and made one after the verdict. Made a 'le funny' video mocking Amber on their other channel

📢 Murad Merali / @MuradMerali
Has made a long list of anti-Amber videos and hilariously, got into a little bit of a pickle himself.

This one got exposed for having an unholy amalgamation of fucked up fetishes. It can be best described as degradation, racism and feet.

Racial slurs were used. Click at your own risk

📢Yellowflash 2 / @YellowFlashGuy

Another generic anti "woke" movie review channel with 368K subscribers that made videos throughout the trial.

📢 Jukedoo
Can't believe how many people made a channel or started uploading just to grift on this case

📢 CinnamonToast Ken / @cinnamontoastk
Another one from the gamer crowd that mocked Amber Heard's SA testimony

📢 Baggage Claim / @BaggageClaim11
Before this trial she had it out for Megan Markle. It comes as no surprise that there's significant overlap between Megan and Amber haters.

Oh, she made a video about that
Interesting claims, especially the rewriting of history. Amber Heard was accused of 'blackmail' and looked at with suspicion when she spoke out. And we all know about how the tabloids treated Megan

Article written in 2016 contrasting the support received by Kesha against the scrutiny and silence towards Amber.

📢 Elvis the Alien / @ElvisTheAlienTV
Made 1 long video on the trial on his second channel alienbacon

📢 Félix “xQc” Lengyel / @xQc
Two videos with one over 3 hours long.

📢 CodeMiko / @MikoCode
A streamer/V-tuber that has made 5 videos on the trial she has: accused Amber of having a child for sympathy, mocked her mental health, claimed she faked PTSD,
said Amber deserves worse harassment, and is generally incredibly grating and annoying.

ooOoOoOOh mYyYYY gOooOoOd iT's aMbEr tUrD

Also interesting how she's aware of the harassment women face online when she has discussed it online, and broke down over inappropriate comments directed at her on stream. I guess you'd rather be on the other side of that, right Miko?

You really want to accuse someone of faking PTSD when your own claims to PTSD can easily be mocked too?

📢GETjaby / @GETJaby
Generic reaction channel

📢 Auditing the Absurd / @AuditTheAbsurd
Has made around 100+ videos on the trial, with views varying from a couple million to thousands. Seems like his regular average on unrelated videos amounts to around 2K at best. Bummer.

Also admitted without a shred of shame he's using Amber's suffering and the case in general as a cash cow.

📢 Memelord for their cancerous meme compilations

📢 Cody Ko / @codyko
Made light of the tasteful texts from Johnny Depp
"hE'S aN aRtiSt, I cAn TeLL"
You won't bring the same energy if Amber made vile messages like that. No matter what he says or does, guys like this will just slap their knee and go "Oh, Johnny you rascal!"

📢 Popcorned Planet/Andy Signore / @PopcornedPlanet
Entertainment/pop culture channel with 668K subscribers and have made over 150 anti-Heard videos since 2019.

📢Incredibly Average / @ThatBrianFella
All his uploads are related to Depp and Heard and transcribes the audio illegally leaked by Depp's lawyer, Waldman.

📢 That Umbrella Guy / @thatumbrella
Hired by Depp's legal team to spread Anti-Amber rhetoric and has made himself known by comicsgate etc and defending Vic Mignogna, who funnily also launched defamation cases against the voice actresses that alleged sexual harassment from him.

Anyway, he lost, but had supporters by the # istandwithvic hashtag
Eerily similar to the Depp vs Heard trial, a hate campaign was ran by his fans against those against him. Clearly not his first rodeo, then.

📢 Stevie J Raw / @StevieJRaw
For someone that's supposedly 'anti mainstream media' you're sure backing the mainstream narrative on this aren't ya!

Noooooo not my cashcow!!!

📢 Natalie Lawyer Chick / @natlawyerchic
Uses her criminal attorney expertise to make videos online for her 107K subscribers.

📢 Legalbytes / @legalbytesmedia
A lawtuber that has been often referenced by Depp supporters as their expert and has influenced many with their supposed expertise.

For a "legal expert" she spread misinformation about a basic fact - such as Amber not being cross examined in the UK trial

This is false. She was cross-examined on Days 10-12 of the UK trial. She may have known that and willingly lied.

"Why would she lie? She's a LAWYER" you may cry.
What do you think is going to happen if she doesn't tell the masses what they want to hear? They'll go generate cash for a lawtuber that does.

📢Nate the Lawyer / @NateTheLawyer
Another youtube lawyer

📢 Hasanabi/Hasan Piker / @hasanthehun
Made a couple of videos on the trial

Also encouraged sui-cide from Amber supporters in a stream and he went on a 4 minute rant at a kirby pfp

Also, no, we're not after you because of your milquetoast "moderate" take. We're over dudes like you that consider yourself feminists and progressives without addressing the unchecked misogyny that led you to gleefully profit off a woman's suffering.

Also was outed as a grifter for what he said about the Alex Jones trial
Stay classy, Hasan.

📢Corgisaan / @corgisaan
Made a number of videos about Amber
Those thumbnail captions aren't cute and neither are you, girl.

📢 Eric Hunley / @hunleyeric
Yet anooooother body language youtuber

Made a large number of videos on the trial, of course, mocking and smearing Amber

Ooh! We sometimes get a 2-for-1 grifter deal when they collaborate (with others featured on this thread!). Crossover episode!

📢The Quartering / @TheQuartering
Social commentary channel that has promoted gamergate harassment and general misogynistic content. Remember when this guy was involved in gamergate, comicgate, everything-gate and being a flaming neckbeard stereotype?

📢 Silvartop / @SilvarTop
Made around 30 videos total on the trial. These videos would range from ten thousands to occasionally millions of views.

His non-trial related videos before and after would get 2-4K views, sometimes even a few hundred. Bet he was disappointed when the trial ended

📢 Mr H Reviews / @MrHreviews
Commentary channel mostly explaining movie universes, discussing comics and games.

So, which cinematic universe is this atrocity of a trial from? One where your videos consistently get 100k+ views rather than 5-30k?
Or perhaps you saw it as a game, or just entertainment no different than the comics, shows and movies you consume.

Hey, speak for yourself

📢 Dr Grande / @grande_dr
Has been called out for victim-blaming in the past (Michael Jackson's victims, Kellyanne Conaway daughter) and has resumed the pattern here.

📢Dr Kirk Honda / @PsychInSeattle
Has made around 30 videos on the trial and is sorely unqualified to speak about domestic violence, since he specialises in family/marriage therapy.

📢 Rekieta Law / @RekietaLaw
Has made 120+ anti-heard videos and supports Vic Mignogna

📢 Andrea burkhart / @aburkhartlaw
Lawtuber. All videos uploaded are on the trial and biased towards Depp and continues to milk the trial to this day

Andrea also crowdfunded $3K for unsealing the documents, which tragically backfired on them

📢 Viva Frei / @thevivafrei
Lawtuber that made at least 15 videos on the trial and on Amber, a couple over 8 hours long

So brave. So smart. So revolutionary.

📢 Legal Vices
Lawtuber. They all start to look the same to me at this point. Same recycled thumbnails, same talking points, same jokes, same 3 expressions of Amber being used.

📢 The DUI Guy + / @TheDUIGuyPlus
Known for attending the trial to live tweet juror reactions, and throwing a bitchfit when he couldn't enter the trial despite paying someone $4000 to sit in a line for him.

Also known for his insightful commentary that Amber is ... basically Hitler?

Also for this classy tweet. For any women, especially the so-called feminists laughing along, just know that this could be easily written about you the moment you stop being their attack dogs and foot soldiers.

📢 Emily D. Baker/ @TheEmilyDBaker
Over 60 videos on the trial and every depp-stan's go-to as an "expert" on their side. Notably, she was a criminal attorney and therefore the trial is outside of her expertise.

Has also blamed Breonna Taylor for her murder in the past

And recently, decided to backtrack to cover her own ass after Depp supporters crowdfunded $3K for the unsealing of the documents.

Apologies - I tagged the wrong account. It's @thecodemiko

📢Ludwig / @LudwigAhgren

IG video, but they're also youtubers. Mocked Elaine for wrongly saying 'Amika' rather than 'Arnica', as if that detracts from her point that he wouldn't know for sure Amber had no makeup on. A correction is one thing, dragging it out to please the deppfans is grifting

📢The Body Language Guy / @Knesix
*deep sigh*

Has made many videos during the trial.

Pseudoscience "body analysis" channels seem to be for people that think they're too smart for astrology. Has it never occurred to people that scrutinising every facial muscle twitch is excessive and how ridiculous you all look?

Just a taste of how overdramatic this 'body analysis' nonsense is. Amber can't even look around without being scrutinised. As for that "mocking" look to the side, it looks like she's acknowledging someone over there giving her support.
Not the dramatic black and white edit too

📢Bionic pig/ @Bionicpigyt
Made 12+ videos on Amber Heard, basically saying the same shit as everyone else.
These youtubers know they're not adding anything to the conversation. The question remains if they're being paid in revenue or validation from their knuckle-dragging fans.

📢NICE BOY THINGS with Steven & Jason
Made around 19 videos on Amber Heard

Including the mundane

And the crazy batshit rumours

One of the guys, Steven Crowley was a co-star with Amber and is happy to run his mouth for the 15 minutes of fame he couldn't get from acting.

Although the cartoon was mocking JD fans, the other video is...ambiguous.

📢 Jessica Kent
At least 10 videos on Amber.

Again with the semantics about "pledge" and "donate" as if it makes a difference about whether she's abused or not.

Non-profits commonly use these terms interchangeably. People usually don't donate a large sum in one go for tax purposes. It speaks to how tunnel-visioned depp fans are to get caught up on this

📢Thots and prayers

📢 The Podcast of the Lotus eaters / @lotuseaters_com

It looks like a chill meditation or nature channel from this, but is really another reactionary commentary channel

📢 Real Jake / Fake Jake @JakeVerda
Fake Jake usually regurgitates reddit posts, Real Jake regurgitates generic memes online

📢 Lifting Vegan Logic/ @vegan_logic
No community is untainted. Even the vegans have hopped onto the grifting train. The trial had nothing to do with veganism yet he somehow shoehorned it in.

📢 iJustine / @ijustine
Very original, yes

📢 H3 / @h3h3productions

The DV victim blaming myths link here is broken so here are some other links

* womensaid.org.uk/information-su…

* highly recommend if you're only gonna read one of them

DV Victim blaming myths link is broken. Here are some replacements
* womensaid.org.uk/information-su…

* highly recommend if you're only gonna read one of them

H3 continued
Has farmed over 12 more hours of content on the trial, gleefully making a spectacle of the trial

>fuck amber turd, hope she burns in hell
>just leave me out of it
Ethan, did you want to be an enlightened centrist or did you want to pander to the crowd? Pick a struggle

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