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ONE PIECE theory and speculation account. Let's have fun with this. WARNING: Posts will contain spoilers. . . . . . . . (The One Piece is going to be a...!)

Aug 16, 2022, 28 tweets

One Piece Theory:

Imu’s identity.

The three known Ancient Weapons were named after Gods - Poseidon, Uranus and Pluton. Could there be a God that inspired Imu? I think so. 👀

In this thread, I’ll explore Imu’s connection to an ancient God. Let’s go.

#onepiece #onepiecetheory

Obviously, there’ll be spoilers in this thread - so proceed with caution.

As we go into the Final Saga, it’s a huge mystery - who sits at the Empty Throne? How powerful must they be for the Gorosei to bow down to them?

Most importantly, what’s their connection with Joy Boy?

I think Imu’s true identity (or inspiration) is Juno.

No, I don’t mean, the movie, featuring the young character who confronts her unplanned pregnancy. (highly recommended btw, go check it).

I’m talking about the Roman Goddess, Juno - Goddess of Marriage and Childbirth.

There’s one assumption I’m going to share before I lay out my case - I think Vivi is intrinsically tied to Imu.

Vivi is a member of the Straw Hats and part of the Nefertari family, the family that “refused to live in Mary Geoise”.

She'll be a key piece in the final saga.

Imu was last seen ascending to the Empty Throne, carrying a picture of Vivi.

Imu was asked by the Gorosei “which light should be extinguished”; an interesting inversion to Vivi who sailed on the ship that headed to the light.

Vivi 🔗 Imu.

In fact, Yuderon has guessed that Imu might be a Nefertari.

I like this idea. Similar to Kuro faking his death, Imu might have made it look the family stayed behind on Earth; but are secretly pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Now back to Juno.

Like I’ve said earlier, Juno is the Roman Goddess of Marriage and Childbirth. Let me share a few points that imply a connection between Juno, Imu and Vivi.

I believe that Oda has placed hints at Imu’s true nature.

The word ‘marriage’ alone should be ringing a bell.

#1 Goddess of Marriage

Vivi has been connected to the idea of marriage multiple times in the story. We’ve seen it in cover stories, and it’s something Cobra has brought up as well.

The idea of getting married seems like a big part of her arc.

Marriage isn’t just a concept that’s connected to Vivi. It’s sprinkled throughout the story.

From Nami and Absalom, to Shirahoshi and Vander Decken, to Lola and Loki, and Pudding and Sanji.

Sometimes, love, sadly, does not reciprocate.

The most interesting one is Sai and Uholisia, who Sai rejected.

In a cover story, Uholisia is seen with five men, a clear reference to Imu and the Gorosei.

“Bride training” is also a thing that happened in Kkamabaka Land, and given that Imu might be an Okama - this fits.

#2 The Peacock

Juno’s Sacred Animal is the peacock.

This is an animal that’s been randomly associated with…you guessed it, Vivi. As Miss Wednesday, she uses an attack called Peacock Slasher.

Coincidence? Maybe not.

#3 Juno’s Eyes

One of the things that's notable about Imu is her eyes. There’s actually an expression specific to to Juno that might explain this: 'ox-eyed'.

The legendary author Homer described Juno as ox-eyed; for it’s roundness captured her beauty and royal indifference.

We’ve actually seen Imu’s eyes on an actual ox - the Ox mask that Rob Lucci wore during CP9's attempt to assassinate Iceberg. Literally, an ox-eye.

The ox-eye has appeared on other characters…but as for why, that’s a question for another thread.

#4 Juno’s Aegis

Last but not least, a small point - Juno has also been described as carrying an aegis - or a shield.

This might directly be represented in the story through CP-AIGIS-0; who exists to protect the World Nobles, and presumably Imu.

So I hope that’s sufficient points to establish a connection between Imu and Juno, the Goddess of Marriage, and therefore, a connection with the Ancient Weapons, who are also Gods.

Now, what might this tell us? This is where it gets juicy.

You might have seen my theory about Joy Boy’s true identity being the Ancient Weapon, Jupiter.

According to myth, Jupiter was Juno’s husband, and together, they reigned as the King and Queen of the Gods.

Check out this theory here:

There’s few things worse than love not reciprocated.

This might be what happened to Imu and Joy Boy.

Both of them were heirs to their kingdoms, set to marry for political reasons. Joy Boy, the Warrior of Liberation, freed himself from this arrangement for he loved another.

I believe that another person - the Goddess of Dawn, descended upon the Earth and stole Joy Boy's heart.

I've another theory dedicated to this idea which you can check out below.

Romance Dawn = the romance between Joy Boy and the Goddess of Dawn.

Imu, feeling scorned, could have done something to sabotage Joy Boy. This action triggered the Void Century, and led the world to be what it is today.

‘Jealousy’ is also one of Juno’s keywords.

Referring back to Homer - there's actually a story in Homer’s Iliad where Juno tricked Jupiter to sleep - giving victory to the Greeks in the Trojan War.

Maybe…Imu, just like how Vivi is able to use hypnotism, put Joy Boy to sleep.

This led to a conflict that shaped the world.

In the Celestial Dragons and the Gorosei, Imu was able to find people who were willing to give her the attention she needs.

With Joy Boy asleep, she rules from the Empty Throne.

So...what’s going on now?

I believe that with recent events, starting with Roger finding the One Piece, the other Gods might be returning; powers that can threaten her rule.

Imu is left with little option but to take them down - the great cleansing.

Let's get a bit crazier. Another name for Juno is Hera. In Japanese, ‘r’ and ‘l’ are interchangeable. Therefore, Hera = Hela.

This is a long shot, but could Imu also represent Hela, the Asgardian goddess of Afterlife? That'll be pretty wild.

'Death' is a big part of One Piece.

So...Imu is Juno/Hera/Hela - a Nefertari and the Goddess of Marriage and Childbirth, who, upon being left by Joy Boy, ascended to the Empty Throne to become the Goddess of Hell/Afterlife, presiding over the Land of the Dead.

With the return of Joy Boy, the revival of the Ancient Weapons and the finding of One Piece might be able to dethrone Imu from her place of power and solve the mystery of the Void Century.

At last, Dawn will arrive. Romance Dawn will prevail.

If all this is sounding crazy, consider that Jupiter/Zeus and Hera/Juno have already made apperances in the story - they’re Big Mom’s homies.

We’ve already seen a visual parallel between Joy Boy and Zeus - will Imu share some similarities to Hera’s apperances?

Only time will tell if this theory comes true. Just like the tattoo on Black Maria's back, "woman trouble" might appear in the story once again.

Thank you for making it all the way here. Do like and RT if you enjoyed this thread! 🙏

(Of course, I think Black Maria and Wanyudo are hints at Imu and the One Piece.

The Wanyudo, or Fire Wheel, is said to guard the gates of Hell. Wanyudo = Wan Pisu? See more in this theory here:

The Wheel of Fortune will revolve once again. ☸️)

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