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Aug 17, 2022, 14 tweets

What is your favorite She-Hulk look? [🧵]

She-Hulk's original costume wasn't really even a costume. It was like the old school Hulk look with the tattered clothes. I can definitely see how that could be a problem for Jen.

This is the suit I think of when someone mentions She-Hulk. Back in her early Avengers days.

She had a lot of variations of the leotard but this one my be the best. It's simple but it works.

She-Hulk was never a hero with a symbol or logo until the Charles Soule run tried to make it happen. This suit is definitely the most super hero looking costume she's had.

I loved She-Hulk on the Fantastic Four. She's a solid reserve member and the Fantastic Four suit is iconic.

If you know me then you know I'm a huge @AllredMD fan. So the FF She-Hulk suit is easily at the top of my list!

My favorite She-Hulk look and my favorite She-Hulk cover. I don't think I need to explain.

I wasn't opposed to the savage She-hulk look but it wasn't my favorite. I do appreciate shaking things up though.

I will say that even though I love shaking things up I wasn't a fan of the power boosted She-Hulk we recently got.

and this suit....


We don't talk about She Phoenix Hulk!

I'm really digging the current run. The look and feel of the book is classic She-Hulk. You should check it out if you haven't yet.

What are some of your favorite She-Hulk costumes or looks? #SheHulk

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