Vesna ( Profile picture
Goddess of Spring, hacker, mother of 3, artist, feminist, Community Builder, Green Anarchist, NVC mediator, Bi. Ex-Yu. Moderator of

Aug 17, 2022, 17 tweets

Morning tea in LikaLodge, under the Linden #Happyness

Idyllic morning at LikaLodge

Meeting the local horses & sharing our meager water from the well with them last night… #LikaLodge

… but the horses got scared & destroyed one tent :(

Family reunion & Nana’s birthday party 🥳 in #Lika

Stormy night, followed by pretty evening clouds #LikaLodge

Animals of the Wild West, dead & alive #LikaLodge

New dog!!

Arnd, trying out different roles at #LikaLodge

I’m so blessed with big kids who made dinner for all of us & guests at #LikaLodge … on the wood-stove !!

Doggie having yoghurt for breakfast; in front of the new “Well-actually” fixed by Arnd y,day #LikaLodge

Everyone & their dog! #LikaLodge

We climbed Kokerna, in the backyard of #LikaLodge … peeked above the clouds over Bosnia, & saw Lisac in “the golden hour”…

On our last full day in Croatia: a well deserved moment of relaxation & enjoyment, on Zrmanja river / Obrovac “riviera”, with geese :)

Cats in Restaurant Anita near #LikaLodge / NOJ!!

… aaaand we are back from #LikaLodge vacation, home, to my cat!!

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