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Aug 17, 2022, 10 tweets

And here’s the first of my #BetterCallSaul Finale behind-the-scenes #tidbit threads!

(Be forewarned, some SPOILERS abound. So mute if you must!)

Let’s start with the airplane scene because that’s the first thing we filmed.

It was first because apparently there are only a few good plane sets floating around and we had to highjack the opportunity when it came (Which happened to be in December when it was being transported coast-to-coast)

The fuselage is behind these giant screens on a stage in ABQ.

A couple weeks before filming I nearly chopped part of my finger off opening a box (safety first! next time!). I was to get my stitches out the day AFTER filming, but I was worried my bandage would show. So I just…pulled them out myself.

Here’s a gross picture of my stitches!

Which was good! (And awful!) Because it turned out I spent a lot of time with that hand in frame, in front of the Marshal, in full view

Speaking of the Marshal, he was played by Stephen Conrad Moore, who is a phenomenal actor and a very lovely human being.

It was fun pretending I was on a moving plane, losing my balance and such, but I had a hard time remembering to speak up because they were going to add plane-flying ambient sounds in post. Oops. 🤷‍♂️

Folks familiar with #BreakingBad (have you seen it? it’s pret-ty pret-ty good), may recognize the airline name from season 2. Or not! We don’t judge here.

Man, lotta opportunity in this scene for me to adjust my coat and pants and things. And did I apparently take EVERY opportunity to do so? You bet!

Finally, let me thank my wife Kate for gifting me an Apple pen(cil?) a few days ago, because now I can doodle on EVERY SINGLE PICTURE.

All right, enough for now! Carry on! Next time I’m going to rant and rave about the amazing (and amazingly weird) car I got to drive for the parking garage/lot scene. So prepare your minds and bodies for that. Till then: ❤️

(And sorry for saying “#tidbit”)

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