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Toyota Gazoo/VW /Skoda/Motoring/Dad. #Dieselhead/story plug✌️. tweets are mine. Author at

Aug 19, 2022, 8 tweets

Some of the features you may be having on your car but you haven't/don't know how to use. 1. cruise control (CC). This feature allows you to set desired speed on manual & automatic cars. Most cars will allow this feature on speeds higher than 50kph or 60kph

2. Adaptive cruise control (ACC). This feature allows cruise control (set desired speed) plus it adjusts the speed depending on the speed of the car in front of you, without going over the set speed. It is applicable in urban and highway driving in most cars.

3. Auto hold (Automatic Electric parking/handbrake).This feature (when ON) engages parking brake automatically every time the car comes to a halt using the service (leg)brake)eg. Traffic lights, parking lot etc. It disengages with the touch of accelerator. Perfect in city traffic

Without activating this feature, the parking brake engages manually by pressing/pushing/pulling this button.

4. Auto Start /Stop.
This allows the car to shut engine off anytime it comes to a halt(eg. Traffic/parking lot). It is designed to reduce idle time, cutting down emmisions & consumption. It might not activate if the engine hasn't obtained optimum temp or AC is ON on a hot day.

5. Automatic AC control ( climate control/ climatic AC
Allows to set desired temp inside the cabin. Fan speed is automatically controlled. The SYNC feature allows both driver and passenger side to have same temperature

Happy and safe motoring. Remember I do consult for a small fee. Hit my DM for that question regarding that weird behavior in your car, that noise, that warning light, loss of power etc

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