The Viscount Bukit Panjang Profile picture
Back into the land of hotness and rain 🇸🇬. Undergraduate of NAFA-UAL. Uncle to two cats. he/him

Aug 21, 2022, 54 tweets

Okay PM Lee flexing his photography skills again #NDR22

"Shit that's why they gave us tickets to this show" #NDR22

*something about religious harmony and sacrifices we made religiously due to covid*

*Shows appreciation to the people behind Religious Rehabilitation Group, an important group against religious extremism*

Gee talking about touchy issues...

Wahlao, teasing us about 377A on the Malay section and talking about marriage and family, which is governed by a different law for Muslims from the rest.

*Platitudes again about our Malay-Muslim community striving forward together with the nation*

Eh how many uncles and aunties not taking the second booster sia #NDR22

*Proceeds to give a lecture about geopolitics cos all those Chinese uncles and aunties have been watching too much PRC propaganda*

Shit, he's literally calling out the information war and foreign influence operations that are happening on social media and messaging apps.

PM Lee acting like local influencer again to promote the Singapore Chinese Orchestra

Not surprised if the govt gonna promote our own local Chinese sayings tbh

*bread butter issues in case the uncles and aunties find it too mafan to listen to the English version later*

*Cough* looks at the 22 months Pakatan Harapan government

PM Lee: Dad, why did your government policy too effective, now we got ageing population sia, how to pay?

*Something about our society is now more united, society more cohesive, can face new challenges etc.

PM Lee: okay 30 mins break, you guys OTOT drink up!

I'm a legalist, just like if it fits i sits, if it ain't enforced, it ain't supposed to be in the books - Cantik, on 377a.

Background change colour sia

*Talks about Covid-19 and trust in the government*

Not counting that tracetogether issue uh

Everyone played their small part against Covid!

Yayyy you guys getting a new medal for fighting Covid-19! #NDR22

This is literally my expertise sia.

Mask will only be compulsory in public transport and healthcare venues.

Finally! #NDR22

*Yet another Geopolitical lecture*

PM Lee: Putin, you can't smoke us with your reasons for that "special military operation"

Which cycles back to: That's why we need NS

PM Lee: Knn, that war pushed inflation and made our recovery situation bleak

But don't worry, we are here to help...

PM Lee: Our growth era is over, our Flop era is here #ndr2022

They put stickers on fish?? #NDR2022

Even PM Lee hated combat ration! #NDR2022

Ah come liao, they changed colour already

PM Lee: This damn British people, imposing laws on us! #NDR2022

Wonder which denomination bitched the most eh...

I don't know mate, should it? #NDR2022

That is it, that's the government position.

377a will be repealed. #NDR2022

Parliament is the ultimate boss, not the courts - PM Lee

Siao Liao, they gonna amend the constitution to enshrine heterosexual marriage. #NDR2022

Ah change colour again

Pritam Singh: Sial, my shirt make me look like the NTUC people #NDR2022

We must be open to survive! #NDR2022

PM Lee: We need smart foreigners to come here!
Leong Mun Wai: *gets triggered*

PM Lee: lucky sia we invested in biotech early!

essentially.... long-term planning and attracting top talent works

He's showing off infrastructure projects again...

Yayyy more space for @MortgageMasterX to sell houses #NDR2022

PM Lee: What Malaysian ports? what kra canal? we will still beat them!

Cb not them expanding the airport again

Not shown: Mynah birds crowing to give them a signature Singapore welcome

Even more houses for @MortgageMasterX to sell

*Stares at the US, UK, Malaysia with their messy politics etc.*

PM: Pls support the Gen 4 leaders plsssss

I gonna ORD soon, this is my understudy, pls support too! - PM Lee #NDR2022

That's it!

Nice collage btw.

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