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PRESIDENTS OF WAR, 9 other books. @NBCNews Presidential Historian. @PBS contributor. Born Chicago. My Threads link is https://t.co/9r7VWCiF7W

Aug 22, 2022, 6 tweets

President Nixon enjoys sudden, unscheduled hug from Sammy Davis, Jr., at "Young Voters for the President" rally, Marine Stadium, Miami, fifty years ago tonight:

Sammy's public hug obviously has not been cleared in advance with Nixon chief of staff Bob Haldeman.

Sammy had also suddenly kissed Archie Bunker on "All in the Family" in 1972, same year as his spontaneous hug for Nixon:

Neglected Marine Stadium, Miami, as it looked recently: #Smetana

Sammy Davis had endorsed RFK in 1968:

Sammy Davis and RFK, 1968:

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