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🔞 millennial👨‍🍳 🏹 fengqing 🗡 they/them ✨️ comic artist 🏹🗡

Aug 23, 2022, 67 tweets


"No one left Tonglu Mountain unscathed. Mu Qing finds himself unable to heal from his injuries, and Feng Xin decides to help. They learn what it is to be friends, and what it means to be in love."

A long-form FengQing comic, updated weekly 🥰

#tgcf #fengqing

"It was the only way."
Pages 3 - 5
#tgcf #HonestFQcomic

"Someone saved me?"
Page 6
#tgcf #HonestFQcomic

"I'm so glad, my..."
Pages 7 - 9

"If you hadn't saved me..."
Page 10

"I care, dumbass."
Pages 11 - 12

"Oh, you didn't actually —"
Pages 13 - 14

"You what?"
Pages 15 - 18

"Poor Feng Xin..."
Page 19

"I won't let it fizzle out."
Pages 20 - 21

"Finally, let's just be friends."
Pages 22 - 25

"Because we're f-friends."
A FengQing comic

"He'll be back, Your Highness..."
Page 26

"Sometime later."
Page 27

"How we are now."
Pages 28 - 29

"What are you hiding?"
Pages 30 - 31

"It doesn't hurt."
Pages 32 - 33

"We're both feeling a little..."
Pages 34 - 35

"Please...I need help."
Pages 36 - 37

Pages 38 - 39

"I'm so...scared."
Pages 40-41

"P-please don't look at me-"
Pages 42 - 43

"Let me take care of you."
Pages 44 - 45

"... you're here for me."
Pages 46 - 47

"I was afraid to ask."
Pages 48 - 49

Page 50

"Your taste."
Page 51

"Get out...?"
Pages 52 - 53

Chapter 2
Pages 54 - 55

"I'm comfortable."
Pages 56 - 57

"What I can't say–"
Pages 58 - 59

"I can't tell you."
Pages 60 - 61

"Wait, what..?"
Pages 62 - 64

"S-shut up!"
Pages 65 - 66

"Looking for comfort."
Pages 67 - 68

"An old friend."
Pages 69 - 70

"The way they make us feel."
Pages 71 - 72

"Maybe he doesn't...?"
Page 72.5

"He was trying to tell you, Feng Xin."
Pages 73 - 76

Chapter 3
"I'm sorry."
Pages 77 - 78

"I-I need you, Feng Xin."
Pages 79 - 80
#fengqing #tgcf

"Getting closer like this."
Pages 81 - 82
#fengqing #tgcf

"Will he like me this way?"
#fengqing #tgcf

"Open up for you."
#fengqing #tgcf

#fengqing #tgcf

Pages 89 - 90
#fengqing #tgcf

Pages 91 - 92
#fengqing #tgcf

"Don't touch me!"
Pages 93 - 94
#fengqing #tgcf

"But what if we-"
Pages 95 - 96
#fengqing #tgcf

"He caught me when I fell..."
Pages 97 - 98
#fengqing #tgcf

"On the floor?"
Pages 99 - 100
#fengqing #tgcf

"Warm with you."
Pages 101 - 103
#fengqing #tgcf

"Oh no."
Pages 104 - 105
#tgcf #fengqing

"He's the most important person to me."
Pages 106 - 107
#tgcf #fengqing

"I was trying to help."
Pages 108 - 109
#fengqing #tgcf

"The past is the past."
Pages 110 - 111
#fengqing #tgcf

"Being a good friend."
Pages 112 - 113
#fengqing #tgcf

"You know who you are to me."
Pages 114 - 115
Chapter 4 will begin April 21st
#tgcf #fengqing

"Inescapable feelings."
Pages 116 - 117
#tgcf #fengqing

"You followed me?"
Pages 118 - 119
#tgcf #fengqing

"Please don't..."
Pages 120 - 121
#tgcf #fengqing

"It hurts so much!"
Pages 122 - 123
#fengqing #tgcf

"How I feel..."
Pages 124 - 125
#fengqing #tgcf

"It's always been you."
Pages 126 - 127
#fengqing #tgcf

"I– "
Pages 128 - 129
#fengqing #tgcf

Pages 130 - 131
#fengqing #tgcf

Pages 132 - 133
#fengqing #tgcf

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