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Aug 24, 2022, 24 tweets

The thread of the evidence of the case of kris Wu and the confessions of Du meizhu

July 2021 a person named Du meizhu accused kris Wu of ra*pe, gang ra*pe, etc. and she also got help from a writer.


This person claimed that she was threatened, but later it was found that no one threatened her, but she demanded 8 million yuan from kris through threats, and finally succeeded in extorting fifty thousand yuan from kris Wu's mother


During these event,Chaoyang police arrested kris Wu on July 31 and then issued an arrest warrant on August 16 on suspicion of ra*pe.


It may seem that everything seems normal so far, but the matter becomes interesting where the Weibo marketing accounts knew everything about kris's case before the announcement of the official sources and announced it earlier... why?


The strangest thing is that the official sources always broadcast the information and events of the Wu case at night or midnight, and the official writing was not seen in their texts.
Is there a difference between this case and other cases??!?


After some time, DMZ's ex-colleagues got courage and broadcasted his voice,in which he admitted that he was not a victim and that his intention was to get 8 million yuan from kris and then destroy him And there are those who support him in his work


After this incident,the rest of DMZ'S colleagues again presented new documents from her and in 1 of them,it was found that DMZ asked her former boss to buy Weibo hot searches for her in December 2021 so that"people will believe that he is a victim"


But this woman's lies do not end here
It was later revealed that she encouraged the other girls to testify falsely and asked them to help her destroy Chris.Girls who might not even know Wu «real victim?»


On July 2022, the wife of police officer Zhang Jishing from the Chaoyang Police Department revealed the moral and financial corruption of her husband and of course the Chaoyang Police!


Officer Zhang's wife announced that her husband was a regular customer of a club called turandot, where... Ironically,Du meizhu Niaz worked there And you are see and know what happens there... right?


Following the words of the owner of the turandot club, he confirmed that Du meizhu had worked for them in the past, but she suddenly left and blocked them all.

Do you need more evidence to believe that "Do Meizhu isn't a victim"?


The similarities between the two cases: Just as Chris's mother reported the extortion to the police on July 14, and the police covered it up and blamed it on someone else, Li Yufei did the same in her husband's complaint.


In both cases, the police ignored the evidence presented and then by falsifying the evidence, they made the real victim appear guilty and the real liar oppressed.
Additional information in the photos:


It is surprising that the Chaoyang police broke the law!According to the law people in a case do not have the right to communicate with the police of the case and nothing about the case should be disclosed before the public announcement

But the next masterpiece was changing the crimes after a while. Both in Li Yufei's case and Wu's case, crimes were added after a while that not only did not exist at the beginning of the case, but also there was no complaint for them.
more details:


The next issue is Weibo, which is trying to silence the victims by closing and erasing the content of their accounts. Both,kris Wu's and Li Yufei's accounts were closed after denying his accusations.
more details:


After 11 months of silence in the case of kris Wu,on June 10th,2022,on Friday, close to midnight, the news of holding a trial was published. Perhaps this was not to divert public opinion from the Tangsha incident?Friday 11 o'clock night?Is it open?


This article explains more about the corruption and lack of law in Chinese courts And it seems that making the courts non-public is in order not to spoil the image of the communist China


On July 21, 2021, Judge Li Zhuang posted on the Weiboo account and talked about the legal problems of closed courts in China and the violations committed during hearings.


On August 13, 2021,xu pei,a Chinese-German poet, writer and human rights activist,wrote an article about kris Wu's case and talked about the political possibilities in this sentence and the similarity of his case with Meng Wanzhou's case.


And finally,evidence shows that the arrest of Chris Wu was planned long ago and makes this case more strange than ever. The words of the Bloomberg reporter in 2018 and the manager of Weibo in July 2021 show that this case is definitely political.


And finally today,on August 24, after denying for a long time
DMZ announced on her Weibo account that the broadcasted voices are for her and she confirms them and her extortion!
And...what are you waiting for to believe that "DMZ isn't a victim?"


But I believe somewhere in this world justice is still alive and there is still a God to defend the rights of real victims!
So let's not give up, thank you for being with me until the end ^^💚
"Justice for kris Wu"

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