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Aug 25, 2022, 8 tweets

BREAKING: World leaders are on the brink of failing our oceans. Talks at the UN look set to end in deadlock because of greed.

Govts are fighting over hypothetical future profits they could make from the ocean over protecting it.

Here's a thread to explain why 🧵

Countries like USA, Canada and EU are being greedy.

They’re prioritising hypothetical future profits from Marine Genetics Resources over protecting the oceans. This is undermining all the progress made on the Treaty text on Marine Protected Areas

#IGC5 #ProtectTheOceans

The EU's High Ambition Coalition is failing to deliver on their commitments to protect the oceans and finalise a Treaty at this round of talks - now how will they get it done this year?

@VSinkevicius where have you been the last 2 weeks?!

#IGC5 #BBNJ #NoAmbitionCoalition

.@antonioguterres, the UN Secretary General, warned in June against the egoism of some countries hampering progress, and it looks like he's been proven right.

We need Ministers of the High Ambition Coalition to prove him wrong

#IGC5 #ProtectTheOceans #BBNJ

The oceans sustain all life on Earth, but the greed of a few countries means this round of talks for a UN Ocean Treaty are now set to fail.

#IGC5 #ProtectTheOceans #BBNJ

Billions of people rely on healthy oceans, and world leaders have failed all of them. Protecting 30% of the oceans by 2030 will be impossible without a treaty this year. Scientists say this is the absolute minimum necessary to protect the oceans.

#IGC5 #ProtectTheOceans #BBNJ

The lack of high-level political engagement in these talks has hamstrung them from the start, but it’s become clear in the last days that the High Ambition Coalition’s neocolonial approach to benefit sharing will stop a treaty from being agreed here.

#IGC5 #ProtectTheOceans

We’ll never give up on protecting our oceans and fighting for our planet. Millions of people from around the world have called on leaders to create a strong global ocean treaty. It’s now up to leaders to get it done, and get it done now!

#IGC5 #ProtectTheOceans

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