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Aug 25, 2022, 12 tweets


Kenya has continued to show trust in women leadership in various spheres of leadership.
This year #KenyaElections women have been elected in 7 out of 47 seats of GOVERNORS.
This is a milestone in history of the country.
Who are they?

1. ANN WAIGURU- Kirinyaga 020.

The home county to Azimio la Umoja Presidential running mate, Ann is her 2nd term as county head having trounced Martha Karua in 2017.
2022 saw her face another woman heavy weight in Hon Ngirici.
Born 51 years ago Ann rise looks bright.

2. FATUMA ACHANI- Kwale 002.

A two time deputy Gvn to Hon S.Mvurya, Fatuma makes history as the 1st woman GVN in coast region and the larger Muslim community.
A human right defender focusing on disadvantaged girls and women, she is a staunch Muslim and sums it as the hand of God


She is a former WRep in the same county. Kawira is the 1st in the larger Ameru community to capture the seat.
She trounced two giants. She has risen from being a house help. Azimio la Umoja and Kenya Kwanza could not match her independent candidacy.


Cecily has represented Runyenjes constituency twice and has been a nominated MP twice thus has served as mp from 2002.
Born in Dec 1972 she inherited her political metal from her father. She takes Embu from Martin Wambora.

5. WAVINYA NDETI- Machakos 016.

A seasoned politician having been elected as Kathiani Mp and has been CAS in Jubilee govt.
She defeated two formidable competitors in her 2nd time vying. She takes over from Hon Alfred Mutua.

6. SUSAN KIHIKA - Nakuru 032

She is among the former senators who have made it back as GVNs.
Having served as Senate Chief whip, She was born in 1974.
She is no push over and she will lead the county with the majority elected women leaders.
It has been nick named NAKURU GIRLS.

GLADYS WANGA- Homabay 043

Born in 1981, the daughter of a former Kisumu powerful councillor Mr. Nyasuna, Gladys is the 1st Gvn in Nyanza region.
A former WRep Wanga star looks bright in the region politics.
She can only climb higher in Kenya's political ladder.

We congratulate the Women GVNs as they take the girl child in the next step of leadership in Kenya.

To all other leaders, know service to people is service to God. Use your time to do good and enable people.

@AnneWaiguru @FatumaAchani @kawiramwangaz @CecilyMbarire @susankihika

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