Pankaj Saxena | पंकज सक्सेना Profile picture
Author | Cultural Commentator I Write Threads on Civilizational Issues Co-founder @brhat_in

Aug 26, 2022, 8 tweets

1. Christianity, India and the World? – 1

The Belief of Christianity

In this thread we will analyze the core beliefs of Christianity. The thread series will trace Christianity’s history in the world and in India.

2. One True Religion

The first core belief is that Christianity is the One True Religion and all other religions are false religions. They are so false that they need to be eliminated, their temples destroyed and their followers converted to One True Religion of Christianity.

3. One True God

A corollary to the first belief is the belief in One True God – YHWH, as he is called in the Bible. Judaism and Christianity give the world the concept of One True God and also False Gods. Pagan religions had different kinds of gods, but never false gods.

4. People of the Book

The Christians (Jews & Muslims too) call themselves People of the Book. Implication is that other pagans don’t have THE Book. Jews and Christians derived their identity not from an immovable piece of land, but from a mobile thing as their Book, the Bible.

5. The Last Prophet

Christianity said that the God cannot be heard, seen or approached by humans. To approach his followers he needs a mediator – the Prophet. Christianity claimed that Jesus was the last such mediator or Prophet. There won’t be any more Prophets.

6. Heaven & Hell

There is a very clear concept of Heaven and Hell in Christianity. And unlike pagan traditions, both heaven and hell are eternal in Christianity. And quite simply irrespective of their deeds, all Christians go to Heaven, all non-Christians go to Hell.

7. The Last Judgment

Jesus Christ will come back to Earth once again & he will ‘judge’ the world: send all Christians to Heaven, & all non-Christians to Hell. Heaven is impossible without having faith in Christianity. Hell is inevitable if you don’t have faith in Christianity.

8. Conversion

But Jesus won’t come again until entire globe is converted to Christianity. Hence the desperation of the Christian missionaries to convert non-Christians to Christianity. That is why it is important for every non-Christian to know truth about Christianity.


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