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“The Dark Prince of Secrecy” - St. Louis Post-Dispatch. “A shameless propagandist” - Washington Post. Stan Kroenke did nothing wrong.

Aug 26, 2022, 8 tweets

Nuggets 🧵 on this most recent #MOSen poll

Biden’s approve disapprove among Missouri voters stands at 36/62.

Most important issues to Missouri voters: 1) Economy 51% 2) Health Care 16% 3) Infrastructure 14% 4) Education 11%

Is the United States on right Right or Wrong Track:

Excellent/Good: 13%
Fair: 28%
Poor: 58%

Just 40% of Missourians believe abortion should be legal up to 15 weeks.

Just 32% of Missourians believe abortion should be legal for any reason. 57% oppose.

Missourians overwhelmingly reject allowing biological males to play on women’s teams: 65-22%.

Education reform one of biggest winners in this Missouri poll, with 62-15% overall support for charter schools. 53-24% among Democrats(!), 64-10% among Republicans.

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