Priscilla Jon T -the primordial, Sanatani Profile picture
For love and light... Reality is relative... Paradigms shifting... 🕉⚛☯️✡ Normalising Indic, preAbrahamic perspectives 😉!

Aug 27, 2022, 14 tweets

I dedicate this thread to my friend @SidharthSuman19, my conversations with whom over the last few days have helped me attain clarity on my own stance regarding the #Boycottbollywood movement

It was a boil over due to general discontent regarding the rampant anti Hindu, anti India activities, catalysed by the untimely demise of a talented member ostracised by nepotism Central. Let's look at the nepotism aspect first.

Mrs KapoorKhan and Mr Johar were 💯 right when they lay the blame for nepotism squarely on the audience.

Audience has the power to make or break entertainers.
With that power comes responsibility.
It is the ordinary movie goer who bears responsibility -

For all the sexual harassment, sexualization of children's minds and general dissemination of adharma among the masses and in our own minds.

What are you investing your money in?

This is a great opportunity to find new heroes and look for stories in new places.
When did entertainers become heroes?
These men whose names you don't even know pay for your freedom with their lives and Indians invest money in those who try to destroy the country from within?

Everybody wants to revive dharma and culture.
But nobody wants to spend half the movie ticket amount on the local folk artisans who sustain authentic indigenous art through hard times.

Brahmastra - last ditch attempt to drive an astra into the heart of the boycott
Consists of repeat offenders peddling the usual - lack of tilak, sufiyana, sikander etc under the guise of a Sanskrit name and the name of a Hindu God

Jews and several Christians consider the name of the Lord too sacred to even mention.
Bharat depicts its Gods to enable the followers to attain supreme levels of devotion to their deity

Do such movies serve that purpose?

Did the movie franchise inspire devotion in anybody toward Thor, the Greek God?

A dharmic nation is about more than banning loud speakers and taking down mosques.
It's about transforming our very lives in accordance with dharma.
It is a sādhana in itself, requiring all our strengths and continuous effort to attain trikarna shuddhi.

There are producers, directors and artistes aware of that reality and strive to inch closer to that ultimate goal.
They made sacrifices to honor Truths bigger than themselves.
Those sacrifices will never be worth it unless those are the ONLY genres that make the money.

Credit: Awareness created by @GemsOfBollywood, @indumathi37 , @jsaideepak, @Koenraad_Elst and many more🙏🙏🙏

Depiction of Hindu deities requires intense austérities performed by the actor to be able to truly channel the deity.
Such practices vary across India, but do exist everywhere.
Do the Bollywood actors even know this?

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