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Aug 27, 2022, 17 tweets

A sustainable future full of new value experiences, products & utility for your @_VaporFi node & $VPND is right around the corner! We're excited to complete our evolution and deliver true sustainability & long-term value for our community

🧵49 pg deck condensed into a mega TLDR!

Here's everything that's covered and contemplated in our Node Evolution presentation & AMA

Our upcoming community proposals, all to support our Node Evolution initiative. All proposals are announced in our discord, get ready to vote (and ask questions)

Evolving our Nodes (1/2)

Your node is exclusive access to long-term value, benefits, and rewards. Sustainable rewards and renewable replenishment of reward pools is key to enable this. Lots of new utility coming for your nodes, TVL, and $VPND

Evolving our Nodes (2/2)

Your node in and of itself is special, and your TVL acts as a means of enhanced value and rewards. Your node will play a vital role in our community & ecosystem - sometimes its size will matter, other times - just having a node (of any size) is enough

Passport Rewards Pool (1/2)

Your node is your ticket to the new passport reward pool, and your TVL determines your fair allocation of its $USDC emissions. Passport is funded and fueled by revenue from every product that we build

Passport Rewards Pool (2/2)

Every product we build contributes to the passport rewards pool, and we're just getting started with @VaporDEX and @VAPORCHAlN; current design of passport has 20% of revenue from most DEX lines going directly back to community via Passport

Into the Atmosphere (1/2)

A true ecosystem has something very special bringing it all together, and for us - that's #ProjectElevate, our homegrown and fully scalable loyalty & rewards program that pays back our community for the actions they take in the products we build

Into the Atmosphere (2/2)

Elevate creates an unprecedented & memorable value experience for our entire community, and enables partners who launch on @VaporDex and @VAPORCHAlN to reward their community as well! Wait till you see what we have in-store for Elevate.

Role of $VPND (1/2)

$VPND gets a massive overhaul and huge new utility, the days of it being a node-centric claim & sell token are coming to an end. Utility time.

Role of $VPND (2/2)

How about some massive new utility and a whole new value proposition? $VPND is the only token that can unlock the initial supply of $VAPE, and eventually $VAPOR as well. 10+ years of mining utility incoming

Role of Node TVL

Your TVL is now also multi-dimensional, giving you access to $VPND rewards as well as $USDC rewards from the passport pool. As we approach the shutdown of compounding/deposits and open the secondary market and passport grows, TVL will become scarce

Reward Model Evolution (1/2)

It's time for the community to vote on a new reward model for a sustainable future. We're recommending a new Global Distribution emissions & reward model that bases emissions on the balance & health of the reward pool

Reward Model Evolution (2/2)

Our recommended emissions model is 0.27% of the balance of the reward pool (minus pending rewards), which would then pay out in a fair allocation to all nodes based on their % of global TVL. 100% sustainable, rewards cut + sell volume decline

Nodes as NFTs

Our governance roadmap ends in the ability for us to convert your nodes to NFTs in a responsible manner, and open a secondary market for them on @_UnChainedNFTs. Strategic series of events to cap & add utility, allowing you to buy & sell nodes to increase your TVL

Value Experiences

The future is upon us, and with it tons of new value paths opening up. Not sure what to do, well here's 4 hypothetical archetypes and what they may be most interested in. Grow, harvest, or divest - its all on the table at the end of our community proposals

Looking for more?

Here's the full 3 hour presentation & AMA recorded live from 8/25. Full audio readout of the deck along with Q&A and additional voiceover

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