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Aug 27, 2022, 23 tweets

a thread of notting hill carnival over the years:

firstly all respeck to ms claudia jones. trinidad and tobago born, journalist and activist, founder of the first caribbean carnival (1959) in britain:

ms. jones helped to launch notting hill carnival in an attempt to uplift the black british community after the nottinghill race riots during 29 august – 5 september of 1958.

photos of the first annual carnival in britain. 30 january, 1959.

legend muhammad ali attended notting hill carnival in 1966 during a visit to a nearby school.

notting hill carnival, 1973.

late 70s.

police try to block the road in notting hill carnival, 1989! we fought to open it back up!!!


notting hill carnival, 1994.

remember the famous photo of this beautiful lady in 1998? this is her now!


notting hill carnival, 2009.

notting hill carnvial, 2019.

notting hill carnival, 2019. i love this video. 😂

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