Nasir S. A. Profile picture
Open minded

Aug 27, 2022, 9 tweets

Podium Reporters, the fake news website, may have been designed by @marvelworxx but she doesn't appear to run it.

I'll post the details of the author/admin of Podium Reporters in pictures shortly.
Follow & RT @Jack_ng01 @urchilla01 @chude__ @Nkemchor_ @MissPearls @DavidHundeyin

However, ads from @theonekshop of @Im_a_MARVEL are littered on the pages of the site.

Truecaller reveals "Tall John". But, who's Tall John?

So John is known and Google did the rest.

We found John Fanimokun as the Author and Administrator of Podium Reporters. His LinkedIn Profile explained further.

He's on Facebook and Twitter.

He commented on a screenshot of @DavidHundeyin's Tweet and also retweeted Podium Reporters response to it.

His associates and kin.

@JohnFanimokun of Podium Reporters, why do you administer a fake news website? At least report proper news now.


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