hay ㅡ ia. Profile picture
rps // mostly for yangsseung and yangwen

Aug 28, 2022, 47 tweets

yangsseung / heewon short au
ㅡ familiar

"Gosh. I swear I could hear Hs's snores from our room."

"W°n. You look fine as someone who slept beside him."

"Guess… I'm used to it." Jw shrugged, while looking at the reddened Hs.

Tag(s); bxb, bxg, harshwords, fluff, same-aged, friends-to-lovers, cringe(?), written in english, other tags will be added, clearly another brain dump, clearly im yangsseung deprived

ㅡ start

01. others vs their friends
#yangsseung #heewon 0

02. nine betrayers (hs's pov)
#yangsseung #heewon

03. and if...
#yangsseung #heewon

04. more couple than actual couple (cw//bxg)
#yangsseung #heewon

05. just saying tho
#yangsseung #heewon

ㅡ one month ago

06. amazed
#yangsseung #heewon

07. something
#yangsseung #heewon

ㅡ current

08. eat out (jw's pov)
#yangsseung #heewon

09. happy meal
#yangsseung #heewon

10. bambi, happy meal and twt
#yangsseung #heewon

11. zombie squad (or yangsseung fanclub?) #yangsseung #heewon

12. them on priv
#yangsseung #heewon

13. after vc, just cat and comment
#yangsseung #heewon

14. he's a simp too
#yangsseung #heewon

ㅡ another day of their friends being oblivious

15. won's noona reporting
#yangsseung #heewon

16. bambi's nagging
#yangsseung #heewon

17. tired chae's noona

*ignore all timestamps in this au
#yangsseung #heewon

18. group chat
#yangsseung #heewon

19. sorry for worrying you
#yangsseung #heewon

20. remember when...
#yangsseung #heewon

21. catboy's tweet
#yangsseung #heewon

23. private #yangsseung #heewon

24. i guess we're not
#yangsseung #heewon

25. a yes? #yangsseung #heewon

26. kinda believe
#yangsseung #heewon

27. chores #yangsseung #heewon

28. i literally just wrote the part jw waking up hs last night and i got the visual representation of it in so so fun 🥹🫶🏼 #yangsseung #heewon

29. panic #yangsseung #heewon

ㅡ after the trip, back in college

30. their friends are reporting and the base
#yangsseung #heewon

31. since then
#yangsseung #heewon

32. catch me if you can & their friends
#yangsseung #heewon

33. favourite and differences in replies
#yangsseung #heewon

34. 💜
#yangsseung #heewon

ㅡannoys people might be cat boy's new hobby

35. couple twtcon
#yangsseung #heewon

36. if only; cw// mentioned kiss
#yangsseung #heewon

37. princess's boyfriend and his stickers
#yangsseung #heewon

ㅡ킅! The end.

💌 it's finally ended. thank you to whoever reading this random blurry storyline au; i love you guys 🥰

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