Video Music Awards Profile picture
Music's most iconic night 🚀

Aug 28, 2022, 6 tweets

You sent in #VMAStanMail and we delivered! See what @KaneBrown had to say in response to YOUR tweets! 🤩 #VMAs

¡Tu mandaste tus #VMAStanMail y nosotros lo entregamos! Mira lo que responde @KaneBrown a TUS tweets 🤩 #VMAs

✉️ Special delivery ✉️

To: Nancy
From: Kane

Special delivery from #VMAStanMail + @KaneBrown! 📬

@BoscoeGina Surprise! We have a little gift for you from @kanebrown 🤩#VMAStanMail

@VibezandStars Thanks for sending in #VMAStanMail! We have something you might wanna see... ❤️

@SexySmooth Hey Sharon! Happy VMAs from us + Kane to you! 🎉 #VMAStanMail

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