Vizi Andrei Profile picture
47% wrong. 25% lucky.

Aug 30, 2022, 7 tweets

One of the biggest illusions of modernity is that we can separate beauty from functionality.



Contrary to popular belief, beauty is NOT purely subjective.

It does not simply “lie in the eye of the beholder.”

Beauty (in architecture) is a sacred phenomenon, inspired by elements & patterns & colors we find in nature.


One study found that, by age 3, kids prefer fractal patterns.

“So, since children are not heavily exposed to these natural patterns, this preference must come from something earlier in development; or perhaps it is innate.”…


In contrast with classical & vernacular styles but also Art Deco & Art Nouveau, most modernistic structures are smooth & display no fractal elements.


“To make something endure, we strive for beauty, not for efficiency.” — Nicolás Gómez Dávila

This is perhaps the most underrated principle in architecture & urban planning.


Sustainability is both an art & a science.

At the end of the day, we care about certain structures only if they mean something to us.


If you aim for functionality but no beauty, you get none.

If you aim for beauty, you get both.


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