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Aug 30, 2022, 9 tweets

EU Commission organized SSB, @ETSI_STANDARDS had recently published a group report on interoperability between permissioned DLTs

This organization has over 900 members from 65+ countries. Let's see what they had to say


🌐While not as big as ISO or ITU, the ETSI has previously collaborated w these other SSB's on multiple occasions

With an agreement signed between them & ITU in 2000

Along with collaborating in multiple ISO working groups for IoT semantic interoperability🤔

1⃣Right away we already see an ISO Standard reference in their references.

TS 23635, this standard is on "guidelines for governance for blockchain & DLT". But who do we see as the technical committee for this standard?

Thats right, the standard founded by $QNT CEO #TC307

Looking a lil further, we see multiple mentions towards API Gateways sitting between layers. A DLT interoperability solution that $QNT is specifically using

There are also some talks of security risks in the event a Gateway fails & ways around solving the issue

Interoperability governance is also mentioned. A section of interoperability thats almost never mentioned in the crypto side of development

MIT CTO & SAT Co-Author Thomas Hardjono had previously said

"You need to figure out your layered architecture... before moving assets"🎙️

They also mention apps for interoperability. This would a HUGE advancement for DLT as a whole & very few projects have such a solution.

mDapps on Overledger is one of these solutions $QNT

🔌A multipurpose application accessible from multiple networks

Then towards the end, we see a direct mention of ISO/TC307 with a table showing the context of each part of the interoperability procedure

@ETSI_STANDARDS likely knows what $QNT has been building

For anyone whose forgotten or maybe has doubts on the connections of $QNT w the European Council

Keep in mind Gilbert was at one point a EU Commission member on blockchain/DLT Framework & likely having some work w drafting #MiCA given the connections

🌎TC307s already seen adoption around the world with countries in ISO

But now we're witnessing the growth of this standard in other Standard Setting Bodies such as the ITU, UN/CEFACT & now ETSI

🪐I believe we're reaching the turning point for TRUE industry application for DLT

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