Chris Wilde (he/him/anaesthesia) Profile picture
#BeCurious • Family • Paeds Anaes • #HumanFactors • #SystemsThinking • #PsychSafety • 1% improvements • #Sim • #MedEd • #ClinEd • #IPE

Aug 31, 2022, 13 tweets


@SharonAMcAuley1 presenting on getting to the correct diagnosis quicker #DFTB22

Avoiding the delayed, wrong or missed diagnosis.

Video featuring @symon_ben

#RootCauseAnalysis of diagnostician error

Red team and Blue team

Blue team - see patient, examine, order investigations, etc.
Red team - “devil’s advocate” - ask probing questions, suggest alternative diagnoses

Establishes a culture of a norm of asking and being asked questions #PsychologicalSafety

System I vs System II thinking

Pattern recognition is fast. Then take a diagnostic pause.

Combatting Biases
Be aware of them
Check with colleagues

High risk for diagnostic error

Analysis of diagnostic error

Cognitive factors feature highly
Vulnerable groups: indigenous child, CALD child, remote locations, <4yo

Differential diagnosis

Document 4 differential diagnoses in your notes!



What will I try to do tomorrow?

What about you?
What are your frames? (HALTS?)
Remember why we do this.
Hopefully this will help reduce diagnostic error.

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