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Aug 31, 2022, 6 tweets

It's International #OverdoseAwarenessDay.

Opioids are commonly used for the treatment of pain.
Their non-medical use, prolonged use, misuse and use without medical supervision can lead to #opioid dependence and other health problems.

Opioids include compounds extracted from the poppy seed as well as semisynthetic & synthetic compounds that can interact with #opioid receptors in the 🧠.

#Opioid overdose risk factors incl.:
♦️ using opioids without medical supervision
♦️ high dosages
♦️ resuming opioid use after an extended period of abstinence
♦️ use by injection
♦️ concurrent medical conditions
♦️ combining with other substances/medicines

#Opioid use can lead to ☠️ due to the effects of opioids on parts of the 🧠 which regulate breathing. An opioid overdose can be identified by a combination of signs incl.:
👁️ pinpoint pupils
😴 unconsciousness
🫁 difficulties breathing

Death following #opioid overdose is preventable if the person receives basic life support & timely ⏱️ administration of the drug naloxone, an antidote to opioids.

Here are tips for first responders 👇

International #OverdoseAwarenessDay is a day to mourn the lives lost & to commit to preventing future overdoses. Today & every day we remember those lives lost. Visit the overdose memorial 👉

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