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building https://t.co/GVc2KGouz6 / @heyglif - an all prompts / no code AI sandbox. prompts at @SALT_VERSE (season 2 in the works!)

Aug 31, 2022, 8 tweets

Midjourney, DALL-E & SD images are incred, but the real 🤯 is when you realize you can make films with them

e.g. @SALT_VERSE, my 100%-AI film experiment

it all started with this MJ image, which instantly pulled me into a 70s sci-fi world - wtf is this place??

I had to go in 🫡

I "played" Midjourney to go a littler deeper into these mines - (many ppl use it like that, like a game!)

and damn, did I find some strange strange down there

a resource curse, of sorts?

I fired up DaVinci Resolve (free video editor) to create a trailer of "what I had seen"...

The experience of being able to "prompt a trailer into existence" on the fly while discovering this world myself was incredibly thrilling, a glimpse of the future

I began to wonder what others might find in this universe & set up Twitter community votes for the first "episode":

For now, @SALT_VERSE lives Twitter, using the limited vote feature to drive the plot(s) forward - for Ep 1, and to my surprise, they chose to "investigate the SALT registers" - here's what we found:

(this btw is the only NON-AI voice in the thing, AI can't do heavy panting yet)

Films / shows usually have one plot, because
a. it's expensive to produce more than one (definitely)
b. people want one single, directed experience (hmmm, maybe..not?)

if b is not a given, films soon will look VERY different

So instead of episodes, I started "story seeds":

we are 100% going to see the capacity to "prompt up" videos like this just by typing the words, using "seeds" to stay within a visual and narrative canon - give it a few years at most

Here's the latest "manually created" SALT story seed, including the first technical advances :)

The vision for @SALT_VERSE is a multi-plot, community owned CC0-crypto filmverse that will ideally entertain 3 groups in 3 ways: co-creators who prompt up their own storylines and characters, CYOA players who enjoy voting on these, and pure enjoyoors

some 🧂sneak peaks

Tools stack: @midjourney (❤️), #StableDiffusion (🖤), DALL-E, davinci, Photomosh, PS, FCP for video
Synthesia, Murf for voices (incredible)
Ableton for music and SFX
A modular synth
Avatarify for animating faces

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