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The earth is too hot, and Australians are suffering climate impacts right now. Help us elect climate champions with #VoteClimate campaigns like #KooyongVotes!

Sep 1, 2022, 11 tweets

Huge crowd at @Mel4Hawthorn’s launch tonight. Plenty of media in attendance. T shirts and pizza are disappearing at a rapid rate!

Another professional woman standing up for climate, health, education and integrity! Will this be a race to the top in #HawthornVotes?

Campaign Director Brent Hodgson reminds everyone of the widely reported Teal wave, including flipping Kooyong - reported in the NYT and Times. “We can do this”

Integrity? “We have a government that claims that it is great on integrity” but has done nothing to fix up IBAC - or political donations or preference whispering either. #Accountability #Transparency

The LNP is now the party of Moira Deeming. Jess Wilson has not answered legitimate community questions about her family attitudes on inclusion and diversity. And John Pesutto has a strong IPA pedigree. Ideology rather than community representation.

Community representation “someone who would represent us, in the values we have”.

“Trusted friend, colleague and advisor”. Melissa works to create opportunities and change lives at Swinburne.

Melissa is about service. Government should be about service too!

What a boss! Melissa wants to make sure that everyone has “an equal opportunity to succeed”

Climate is the top vote determining issue! With the Loire and Rhine nearly dry, and a third of Pakistan under water, the need could not be more urgent.

Let’s do this #HawthornVotes! Accountability transparency honesty community values.

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