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Blockchain, NFTs, Web3, Crypto, UX UI, Innovations

Sep 1, 2022, 8 tweets

I met someone close to baba @RailaOdinga and told him anipeleke kwa baba I show him how he can secure his votes in real-time using form 34A. I was told baba's votes cannot be stolen.

This is how we were to do it anyway 🧵🧵

Step 1 - all agents use our mobile app to take a photo of form 34A. The engine extracts the values as captured on the form, then the agent confirms & submits them. At the backend, ward coordinators crosscheck the values against form 34A and approve it. #SCORK

Document processing technology is easily available & accessible #SCORK #supremecourtofkenya #PetitionHearing

Since there is no manual data entry at any point, tallying and computations start immediately after the values are approved and sent to the tallying server. At the backend, a team is also uploading and processing official form 34As from @IEBCKenya for the algorithm to compare

Any agent or aspirant will be automatically notified when our engine finds disparities between agent copy and IEBC copy of form 34A. Click on the notification and you're presented with both copies from same polling station, broken down into where the errors are!

In order to get as much data as possible, the plan was to have any willing aspirant use the platform, so that when our rigging detector runs, it checks all data from MCAs to presidential and prompts you when it detects some variances

To guarantee agents' payments, the cash is loaded into an escrow account, as soon as they submit their digital forms and deliver the hard copy of form 34A to the designated location, the funds are available for immediate withdrawal


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