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China social trends, online media & digital culture | Sinologist | Editor-in-chief @whatsonweibo | Japan Studies | Hotpot Ambassador 🔥

Sep 1, 2022, 11 tweets

Some scenes from Chengdu before city-wide lockdown.

This lady apparently ran to the supermarket straight from the hairdressers' place. Priorities.

Feel bad for the people, but also for the chickens.

Getting ready for combat.

Some people found nothing but empty shelves.

For more on this, read 👇:…

Someone joked about this scene of Chengdu residents waiting for the meat to be cut that it looked like feeding lions and tigers at the zoo.

Looks like some people are looking forward to their stay at home time (without risking a pandemic pregnancy)

Next day:

The day after, from panic shopping to calm shopping.

Saw this photo pop up amid all the photos of panic shopping and it seems that this foreigner succesfully bought his single celery stalk (in a bag) 🤣

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