Jill Rutter Profile picture
Jill Rutter, Brexit at UK in a Changing Europe. Any other stuff at Institute for Government. Full Fact fan. Very ex-civil servant. My views not theirs.

Sep 2, 2022, 9 tweets

Another day - remembering back to the leadership election of 2019. @DavidGauke told us why the Conservatives went for the by then unstoppable Boris Johnson

Brexit party chair Richard Tice told us how ABB - Anyone but Boris had changed post those disastrous (for the Conservatives) European elections - and "did for the Brexit party"

.@OwenPaterson claimed credit for Johnson's win for the ERG

as an aside one issue during the campaign was the leak of then UK Ambassador to the US's cables about Trump. Johnson's lukewarm reaction triggered Darroch's resignation - to his bafflement according to @SimonMcDonaldUK

so what of the reaction of his adversaries? @StephenGethins of the SNP told us about the impact of Johnson in Scotland

.@thatginamiller told us about her view of how Johnson might govern - and how she got him wrong

and @CarolineFlint made clear that she thought Labour made a big mistake underestimating Johnson

and the EU Commission's Jim Cloos made clear that Johnson's reputation from his Brussels days still lingered on in EU memories

Up next will be the autumn of Benn-Burt, Letwin amendments, walks at Thornton Hough and the Get brexit Done election.. Until then check out more in the @UKandEU #Brexitwitnessarchive ukandeu.ac.uk/brexit-witness…

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