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Sep 2, 2022, 7 tweets

1/ Our analysts were busy last month!

Let's run through some August 22' report highlights and see if we can find any alpha. 📰

2/ You're probably sick of hearing about it at this point but the Merge is just days away.

For all of our speculatoooors out there, $ETC price has typically been driven by major upgrade news in the past.

3/ Centralization came into focus after the @TornadoCash sanctions.

While chokepoints still exist across the infrastructure stack, the Proof of Physical Work token distribution method provided by Web3 infra could be the next catalyst to spark a bull.

4/ Things have been tough across both EVM and non-EVM chains.

However, @solana has remained the clear leader across non-EVM chains in usage metrics.

5/ For some hopium...

@synthetix_io and @GMX_IO saw positive growth trends.

6/ We didn't forget about NFTs.

@sudoswap's AMM jumped from 1% of @opensea's volume to 10% before seeing its first slowdown since launch.

7/ If you're still here it's a perfect time to play catch up on any reports you missed.

September is looking like a huge month with the Merge and #Mainnet2022 landing just days apart 😬

Come see what you're missing ⬇️

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