Dr Kiran Kumar Karlapu Profile picture
Prince of the Monsoons.Accidental Doctor.That Customs Guy.MoHFW now.Swears in Telugu but Dreams in English.Sambar Lover.Solo Traveller.Storyteller.Rain Catcher.

Sep 3, 2022, 8 tweets

So I'm here this weekend. Sanchi Stupa in Madhya Pradesh. A UNESCO World Heritage site and glowing example of syncretic cultural growth. Built by Emperor Ashoka, and embellished by the Sungas, Satavahanas, Guptas and Parmaras 🤩🤩

The most magnificent part of the Sanchi Stupa are the Ornamental Toranas or the Gateways. Four of them facing the four Cardinal directions 🤩 #Sanchi #ThisHeartWasMeantToWander

Lucky to have a 200 Rupees note on me. Could get this pic 🤩😄😄

History lovers would appreciate it. This broken pillar is the among the famous 3 Schism Edicts of Ashoka (Sanchi, Sarnath and Allahabad). Here, Emperor Ashoka warns of dissent with the Sangha and threatens dissenters with explosion


The ruined monasteries around the Sanchi stupa complex. Built over millenia of history by various Hindu and Buddhist emperors, some of them outsiders like the Parthians and the Scythians #Sanchi

Don't miss the Archeological Museum at Sanchi. Just a Rs 5 entry for this Marvel in a nutshell. And witness the wonder of the Sanchi Lion Capital. Shimmering in Mauryan polish, these Ashokan lions stand atop a panel of geese and Madhumalti (Rangoon creeper) flowers #Sanchi

The other attraction is the smaller Gupta era Lion Capital. It has a partially broken Dharma Chakra Wheel atop it. The Sanchi Museum takes you almost two millennia and a half back within 15 minutes 🤩

The Museum's photogallery offers the painstaking efforts which have brought Sanchi back to the light from its condition as an abandoned forest site #Sanchi

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