Sam Burling Profile picture
Battletech enthusiast, soccer fan, veteran, runner, views expressed are my own. Proud father to an Angel Baby and a Rainbow Daughter. He/Him

Sep 3, 2022, 14 tweets

No Shit, there I was (a Megemak AAR thread).

A battle that at one point included my worthy opponent saying "dear god....multiple mushroom clouds"



Now we enter the weapons phase. Buckle up, because this is the point that caused my enemy to state, "dear god", "multiple mushroom clouds", and "stackpole into stackpole killing 4 mechs lol".



Thanks to @akitoscorpio for the idea to incorporate MM Game Logs into my Battle Reports.

I am not sure even the genesis of the Stackpole, @MikeStackpole, ever Stackpoled one Mech causing a chain reaction to initiate a Stackpole of a 2nd Mech. (My many thanks to him for all his books that brought me such joy in the #battletech universe).

For context, round 7 began with the BV % of me losing 49% to 60%, so the "stackpole into stackpole killing 4 mechs lol" resulted in a me going from down 11% to up by 22%.

@threadreaderapp unroll please.

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