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Sep 4, 2022, 10 tweets

It's unclear why anyone would want to spend money a bunch of used cryptocurrency/NFT Twitter accounts, but a user with the descriptive name of "VIP STORE" is selling 21 of them on shady account sales site accs-market(dot)com. #ExtremelyUnwisePurchases

cc: @ZellaQuixote

The 21 accounts being sold by "VIP STORE" are all older accounts, created between 2008 and 2014. At least 13 (and possibly all) have been renamed, with the new names all containing "nft", "btc", or "crypto". (The old names were found in data we downloaded for previous projects.)

Although these 21 for-sale accounts have existed for years, they appear to have gained most or all of their followers in 2022. (We know this because each account has early followers created in 2022, which means all subsequent followers followed them in 2022.)

Some of these accounts have almost identical sets of followers:

@crypto_33x, @crypto_maps_88, and @king_world_btc
@nft_crypto_x5 and @nft_king_x4
@crypto_day_66 and @crypto_world_x1
@crypto_nfts99, @nft_cryptos_88, @coinmarket_btc, and @nft_trade_56

In addition to the 21 Twitter accounts, "VIP STORE" is also selling two Instagram accounts. Unlike the Twitter accounts, the Instagram accounts are accounts that post pretty pictures of nature rather than cryptocurrency/NFT accounts.

Long thread on accs-market(dot)com, the site where these accounts are being sold:

*spend money on

Update: two of the accounts in this network have been renamed and redecorated, indicating possible sales:

@/nft_world7x (ID 250759812) has been renamed to @funkylillu
@/nft_cryptos_88 (ID 518765455) has been renamed to @OGKrakenFriends

Update the second: the for-sale accounts have been suspended by Twitter, and someone is apparently unhappy.

In the span of 13 minutes, this thread received 32 extremely similar rude replies from 30 different cryptocurrency spam accounts, most of which were created in 2022. All but one of these replies were (allegedly) sent via the Twitter Web App.

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