Dr Pippa Busch Profile picture
Child and Educational Psychologist, Consultation, Intervention, Training and CPD.

Sep 4, 2022, 7 tweets

To anyone who couldn’t make #rED22 yesterday, here is a little summary of how to adapt cognitive science for SEND pupils…🧵

To avoid cognitive overload:
use visual supports without distractions; introduce new information one piece at a time; use familiar language around the new information (first, then, simple words)

To maximise retrieval: increase your wait times, then wait longer; normalise forgetting and remembering, that’s the point; reduce distractions while they are thinking, don’t interrupt or talk over. Embrace the silence, it is a welcoming space 😊

To aid spacing and interleaving: repeat repeat repeat, and again; space with similar topics and make connections explicit; pre teach new vocabulary, then the concept - do it the week before, the day before and the lesson before

Don’t BLANK page them! A clear white page is not inviting to start work, draw a box, 3 bullet points, a line or star where you think they can get to in a specific time; short clear instructions with a clear end game; use sentence starters, write at the top ‘it all started when…’

Use solution focused questions: once you have taught the strategies,ask what strategy they could use instead of telling the answer,if they are not ready-be more explicit when teaching; use less language and more gesture/expression; is there anywhere you can look to find that out?

Finally: remember to fade your support, teach the child the strategy not the answer to encourage independent learning skills.

Hope you enjoyed this thread. Any questions, please feel free to reach out or DM 📩

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