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Life Coach, Vedic and Tantra Astrologer, Palmist, Healer, Tarot, Akashic Records, Tantra/spiritual workshops, Spiritual Scientist, psychology, PLR

Sep 4, 2022, 12 tweets

What are basic traits of people of No 8 as per numerology?

The very first thing: No. 8 people are ruled by Saturn. Number 8s are born with leadership spirit & an underlying quality to govern. Highly goal-oriented, ambitious & keen to carve a satisfying niche with organizational ability and efficient work approach.

They have the incredible potential to envisage across-the-board ideas and plans, feel quite independent, and posses the tenacity to achieve and fulfill them.

Ultimately, one can say that they are born executives.

No. 8: Fortune

All treasures of eternal power & prosperity. With this power, a No. 8 is more prone to acquire & achieve what he/she wants. The power within will always lead them to success & prosperity. Success life will completely depend on hard work put in.

A look at the Positive & Negative aspects of Number 8:

Number 8s are Workaholics!

Number 8 is the only number most likely to make workaholics, they are too serious about work. Always look to complete work, never in the middle; a quality that brings the best out of them, but annoying for those close to them.

Number 7: management skills

Their talents of management are impressive, they can efficiently manage all the aspects of life, especially the financial and business aspects. With these skills, they will always get materialistic and spiritual benefits.

Both these aspects will lead to enhancement with every effort they make. When it comes to management skills they are definitely not book keepers. Instead, they posses the vision to build on plans and foresee the outcomes they desire.

Number 8s need to acquire high degree of detachment

Must have a high degree of detachment to know how to use their powers & skills for good causes. They have a little bit of recklessness, need to understand real & relative value of money, can get greedy sometimes.

They need to control this greed otherwise it can ruin it all for them. Should also learn to detach themselves from failures and defeats. Instead of worrying, should learn from them and move on with high spirits

Can make more than what they are destined for!

Despite the difficulties that they face in financial terms, are least likely to face major financial issues, go bankrupt, can make more than what they are destined to.

They can make the most of opportunities with management skills & hard work. Can own a business enterprise in fields like real estate, law, science, finance and management of large organizations. They can really work best at them, and create their own masterpieces.

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