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Generally tweeting about military activities on and above Earth. I am not an expert on anything. Like/retweet/reply/follow β‰  endorsement

Sep 4, 2022, 11 tweets

It looks like a private jet was intercepted by fighter jets above Germany (πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ).

The private jet took off from Jerez Airport, southern Spain (πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ) and is heading northeast. Currently unknown whether this is an exercise.

OE-FGR // #440A99

The jet hasn't responded to radio contact and the pilots of the fighter jets didn't see any movement in the cockpit.

Swedish rescue assets, three helicopters and a Coast Guard vessel, are heading to the location where the jet might crash.

The jet is now losing altitude. Let's hope and pray that the crew is in control of the plane and trying to land in Estonia.

Sadly, it looks like the aircraft crashed off the coast of Estonia.

Let’s wait for confirmation from authorities.

Correction: off the coast of Latvia, not Estonia. Apologies for the mistake in this horrible event.

Please pray for the people onboard and their families.

A Swedish rescue helicopter and a SAR aircraft are approaching the crash site.

A (civilian) Stena Lines vessel might be assisting as well.

Rescue teams have located the wreckage. The SAR efforts are now being taken over by Latvia.

Swedish aircraft continue to assist. A Latvian rescue helicopter and SAR vessel are also deployed.

Overview of the vessels and aircraft assisting in the SAR operation

The screenshot only shows the ones that are visible on MarineTraffic, there are likely more aircraft and/or vessels assisting in the rescue efforts.

Overview of the flight path and the speed & altitude graph of the flight.

Reports are circulating that this incident might have been caused by pressurisation issues, but that has not been confirmed.

Reuters reports Peter Griesemann, the owner of Quick Air, was on the jet that crashed.

German media is reporting that Griesemann was the pilot and that he was accompanied by his wife, daughter and his daughter's boyfriend.…

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