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Conservative | mother | author | editor 🇺🇸 🇺🇸Trump | For those who repost my posts AND INITIATE A FOLLOW - I will follow you back! 🇮🇱🇮🇱

Sep 4, 2022, 30 tweets

Resident Biden @POTUS you have been memorialized

You couldn’t fill a high school gymnasium

This one is laughable. Your ho says there is decency on the ballot

More of your ho’s decency -

You speech delivered while standing in front of the gates of hell

Biden’s America sums it all up

The perfect ad that shows you are worthless

hese bitches should be locked up

And so should you

You nailed it!

Your role model

Such a fine family- not but a low life, no class, no morality, lying, thieving cult

You suck the di@k of @ProfKlausSchwab, @wef and the fucking genocidal cult of globalist CEO’s

Daddy is a molester and apervert

Your son a pervert and a molester

More perversion and another traitor in the party

A hypocrite and liar

You at the the funeral of the Grand Cyclops of the KKK - good ole racist Senator Robert Byrd. Did he tell you how blacks he hung?

This is who you really are. Birds of a feather flock together

This is you - pimp who prostitutes his family for wealth and greed

Nothing else needs to be said

Think twice old man before you speak against half of America. You should know by now that we know exactly who you are, what you are and how you operate. You are a fool and the world knows it. You have prominently been marched across the stage in the world arena to see at your

absolute worse.

@SenateDems @HouseDemocrats

Keep giving Ukraine our money.Keep stealing the taxpayer money for your personal enjoyment. In the end, you and your ilk will reap the appropriate reward for your dirty work.


One other - Hollywood betrayed you. They gave @BarackObama an Emmy for narrating and completely snubbed sonnny boy Hunter for best in show for graphic porn and child molestation.

.@POTUS Resident Biden - here is a great article that really puts perspective into your message to murder massive numbers conservatives. As I said in another message to big boy - bring it on!…

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