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Passionate about Hip Hop & Personal Finance. Social Media for @AllOfUsRadio. BLAZR Packaging 📦

Sep 4, 2022, 7 tweets

Here’s 4 web3 tools you should use in your NFT arsenal:

Wallet connection NOT REQUIRED

In this thread I will talk about 4 sites you can use for the following:

1. Revoke Approval - revoke.cash
2. Portfolio summary Paperhands.gg
3. Profit/Loss price calculator - derisk.tools
4. Holder Compare - coniun.io

Revoke.cash - Revoke Approvals

🔷 🔎 When you sign approvals on your wallet you may be at risk to scams and should always revoke approvals from sites 🔍

You can check approvals without connecting wallet 😊 BUT to revoke, you need to connect.

🔷 Find out cool facts about what you paper handed, diamond handed, or profits you missed out on.
🙌🏽 💎 paperhands.gg

**Another site that does not require connecting wallet and can search using ENS**

(Search your friends ENS for some jokes 😉)

🔷 Derisk.tools is a great site to make sure you’re always selling for a profit 💰 💸

Just copy+paste txn, it will give you a “break even” price that includes royalties and fees on your trade 🤝🏽 🧮

(They need to figure out wETH Txn & Gem Sweeps)

🔷 Find out how many holders your favorite projects have in common using this tool coniun.io

Want to see how many BAYC hold your favorite project?

No wallet connection needed but you may need to sign in with twitter.

(Not sure if staking affects #’s)

If you enjoyed this thread or made it all the way to the bottom please RT the top tweet. Thank you 🙏🏼 😊 #Threddie 🧵 my Substack will be live this week 👀

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