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Nigeria's biggest conversation is happening right now | Let's Talk 0700993993993, 014657190 (Women Only) | @nigeriainfofmlagos on Instagram

Sep 5, 2022, 39 tweets

Here's the BIG ONE!

Fabian Chigbundu versus Stephanie Ameh

Topic 1: European Colonization in Africa Has Had A More Positive Than Negative Impact.

Topic 2: The Central Bank Should Let The Naira Float.


Meet our first finalist

13-year-old Fabian Chigbundu from Cayley College


Meet 15-year-old Stephanie Ameh fro The International School, University of Lagos.


The will debate the topics:

Topic 1: European Colonization in Africa Has Had A More Positive Than Negative Impact.

Topic 2: The Central Bank Should Let The Naira Float.


Quick introduction of the judges


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Who will be our grand prize winner!


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@SEzekwesili for one last time reads the rules of the debate


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Here's the first topic in today's final debate

Topic 1: European Colonization in Africa Has Had A More Positive Than Negative Impact.


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Colonization brought about Christianity which led to the ending of many social vices like killing of twins.


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Colonization brought about health care system and the ability of Africa to trade internationally.


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Colonization brought about Industrialization and development


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Historians have failed to tell us the truth about Colonization


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Colonization has led to the uneven distribution of wealth in the world.


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Colonization has made Africans inferior to themselves


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Colonization has made Africans forget their culture and adopt a foreign culture


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Stephanie goes first in rebutting her opponent's points


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Africa would have developed regardless of the Europeans coming to Africa

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Fabian takes his turn for the rebuttal round


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The positives of European coming to Nigeria outweighs the negative.


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They adopted our culture just as we adopted theirs

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Quick break before the closing round


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Colonization brought about advancement in our healthcare.


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Colonization eradicated our crude method of trading by barter


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Colonization brought about tribalism


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Colonial powers only exploited the African continent

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Time for the next topic of today's debate.

Topic 2: The Central Bank Should Let The Naira Float.


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The Naira should be allowed to float to remove the effect of government on the currency.


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Naira should be floated because maintaining a peg on the Naira will cost the country a lot more


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Allowing the Naira Float because it removes the need foe artificial demand and supply.


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Allowing the Naira Float is like having a plane without a pilot


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Allowing naira to float will lead to artificial scarcity in the monetary system


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Allowing the Naira Float, can lead to capital flight


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The rebuttal round is LIVE


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Allowing the Naira to float will lead to a huge drop in the value of the Naira


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Quick break before the final round


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The results are next

Who will be the next I Beg To Differ Champions?


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Congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 Fabian Chigbundu



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Congratulations 🎊 👏 Fabian!!

📹Brilliant son meets proud mom🥹

Moment, Fabian reunites with his family after winning One Million Naira winner in the 'I Beg To Differ' students debate tournament


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