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Sep 6, 2022, 19 tweets

No 1 numerology

1 is the beginning of the relative multitude of numbers which implies that it represents the start of all new occasions in an individual's life and appropriately number 1 is related with a wide range of beginnings in numerology.

This implies that ones affected by number 1 have imaginative personalities & courageous spirits, they are always ready to begin new analyses and prepared to set out on new missions.

Number 1 is related with administration, evident from the fact that 1 stands on top of multitude of numbers, is the head of relative multitude of numbers which causes ones affected by this number to have solid initiative characteristics.

Number 1 people are leaders in different aspects of their lives. They are pioneers, often hold some sort of power; being wellsprings of enormous energy, are extremely vivacious & courageous, always ready to take on new challenges.

Number 1 is connected with force of psyche, attributes of snappy reasoning, and No. 1s are quick in making choices and t
are also good at executing their choices in useful ways.

Number 1 is related to Sun among navagrahas which dictates several qualities of this number. Sun is the ruler among navagraha, has solid administrative capacity, mental fortitude, boldness, decision making capability & ability to execute them.

Many attributes & traits of Sun are portrayed by Number 1. Sun is considered as defender & provider of a wide range of life in vedic jyotish, as number 1 is likewise considered to have a nurturing impact. Thus, number 1s are always brimming with life.

Sun is considered to have excellent sense of judgment which helps him make clear distinction between right and wrong, ensure equitable treatment which is the responsibility of Sun as the lord among navagraha. This facet of Sun equips No. 1s with practical insight.

As per Vedic jyotish, Sun is empowered with incredible knowledge & comprehension abilities. Thus number 1 people have extraordinary capacity to get to the core of even the most troublesome subjects easily; they make excellent students.

Sun is considered as the most free planet among navagraha; thus, Sun adores autonomy, reflected through Number 1s loving their freedom more than anything else; by and large, they don't surrender their freedom for anything in this world.

It's difficult to make No 1s yield to any sort of pressure, get them to do things they are not willing to. They are stubborn, never give in to pressure, keep battling until they are totally broken or emerge champs, based on their nature & strength of horoscope.

No. 1s are said to do well in fields requiring imaginative ability; they are inventive, do well in new activities & administration. Number 1s often reach the top in their fields of expertise.

They love creating unique things, they don't believe in copying or following others as they believe in drawing new lines and set new ways and customs for others to follow.

Each planet among navagraha has its negative side; thus, the related numbers too display their negative qualities. Sun is related with animosity, outrage, vicious nature, love of war and other such attributes & these qualities are often evident in Number 1 people.

Number 1 people can often be extremely forceful & fierce; highly competitive, they may have to face mishaps, postponements. But they have a solid ability to emerge victors from such circumstances, even as such occurrences may ruin or hinder their advancement.

Pride is another quality related with Sun; it's an attribute of number 1 too. Pride is a double edged sword; when negative, it can transform into duplicity and vanity as well.

No. 1 people need to keep a watch on their self image, feelings of outrage & hostility. These are their most basic negative focuses & can cause them trouble. They often have bad relations especially with their spouse due to a forceful nature & pride.

They may experience ill effects of many broken connections in life as they mostly don't give space & regard to others, dictate terms due to Sun's strong nature. They need to give space to others, keep their self image in check, tame their anger & use that energy appropriately.

Pride, administrative capacity & combative nature can earn laurels most for No. 1s. These attributes can also develop self image, dominative nature, and hostility leading even to misfortunes.

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