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Community Game Design Analyst for Axie Infinity: Origins

Sep 7, 2022, 20 tweets

With less than 48 hours remaining in Season 0 for @AxieInfinity Origin, and while people aren't fully distracted with #AxieCon, figured it would be a good opportunity to drop a bit of data.

Kicking it off with the scope:

Top 1,000 players and their opponents.
No games involving players below Tiger.
Match History limited to the last 20 games.*

Some players will have over 20 games because their 21st and up games appear in other player's Match History.

Total games observed: 16013
Total players involved: 1720
First Player Win Rate: 50.85%
Second Player Win Rate: 49.15%
Total Axie Encountered: 6820

Winrate for Turn Order:
July 28 Patch : 63% - 37%
August 12 Patch : 45% - 55%
August 26 Patch : 51% - 49%

Historically the winrate observed fresh off release is retained. Shifts in the meta have minimal effect on this. And we can all agree that Season 0 has seen a few shifts.

Of particular note are the cards Nimo and Cottontail. Which currently represent about 40% of all tails within our scope.

Prior to the recent patch they were basically dead cards for P1 on their 2nd and 3rd turns because of only having one card in excess.

Arguably of course this could be mitigated by simply playing more card draw or 2 cost cards to avoid bricking turns with nimo/cottontail.

Personally all cards should ideally be playable in their own right and made better with ideal combinations. So the change was welcome.

This of course with the wide availability of Nimo / Cottontail axies coming from V2 made it all too easy for players to simply play aggro as the current "drawback" only really kicks in after the decks have been shuffled, by this time opponents usually see themselves down an Axie.

It comes without surprise that 47% of Runes used in the Top 1,000 are Bloodlust and Pangolin Scale.

Simply because Bloodlust is free damage that helps keep you from dying. And Pangolin is free Effective HP (EHP) that again, keeps you from dying.

You might expect that there must be some Meta counter to Aggro, but following the nerfs to Shields and Healing it was basically open season and the Runes that see the most success against BL and Pango are basically Mystic or Themselves.

The most interesting rise towards the end of the season was that of Bugs who have for the longest time been regarded as the weakest class. Who knew all you needed was Collect and Protect.

There's a common theme with a lot of the success of these Parts, Runes, and Charms, which quite simply can be tagged as Card Advantage, Tempo, or whatever you like.

Basically free cards, damage, energy, etc.

Shady Exchange became very popular following its buff.

The game has become very fast paced and there's plenty of ways to fall behind or get snowballed if you can't keep up. As expected of course.

It should be taken into consideration that plenty of the teams that are being used today would not be viable without their runes and charms, so you can expect the same shifts in meta in the following seasons.

Personally I'd like to see more viability in different styles of play such as Midrange, Stall, and Control.

Granted going to Turn 25 wasn't everyone's favorite way to enjoy the game, but I don't think losing your front liner on Turn 4/5 is very enjoyable either.

On the topic of the leaderboards being dominated by expensive Runes and Charms, keep in mind that it's a free market and things are expensive either because they're high in Demand or low on Supply.

There's a few anti-meta players and rogue teams out there. So don't give up!

The rest that follows is the usual stuff, winrates and representation.



Charms (Excluding "Charm Of")

Association Rules
Min Support : 5%
Min Confidence : 85%

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