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Data professional w/ 15+ years exp. I write about SQL, Tableau, Excel, & Python to help data analysts earn more in their careers, side hustles, and freelancing.

Sep 7, 2022, 9 tweets

When you're just starting with #DataAnalytics, it's impossible to remember everything you need to know about #SQL.

Fortunately, there are amazing #cheatsheets so that you don't have to memorize the basic syntax and commands

Here are 7 SQL cheatsheets for handy reference:👇

1) SQL Cheatsheet by @swapnakpanda

This cheat sheet covers the basics like querying and joins, but also includes some data modeling and data definition commands as well.

Definitely worth checking out:

2) MySQL JOIN Types by @SqlEmt

Trying to keep all of the different JOINs in mind, is pretty challenging. Especially after the coffee wears off for the day! ☕

Use Steve Stedman's MySQL JOIN Types cheat sheet to save time and avoid confusion on your next #MySQL project:

3) SQL Cheatsheet by @AbzAaron

This one-pager cheat sheet has a good set of examples of SQL syntax and commands:

4) SQL Cheatsheet by @yosracodes

This cheat sheet shows slightly more advanced SQL syntax, covering topics like set operations, working with duplicates, triggers, and more:

5) SQL Cheat Sheet by

This SQL cheat sheet provides you with the most commonly used SQL statements for quick reference:

6) SQL Basics Cheat Sheet by @LearnSQLcom

The SQL Basics Cheat Sheet provides you with the syntax of basic clauses, different conditions, and examples so you can follow along:

7) SQL Commands Cheat Sheet by @Intellipaat

This cheat sheet will guide you through the common SQL commands, plus syntax examples and a clear description of each one.

That's it!

If you found this list of #SQL cheatsheets useful, share the full list with others and show some 💚 to each of the creators.

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