Nick Fletcher Profile picture
Former Member of Parliament for Don Valley. Conservative mayoral candidate for Doncaster Mayor.

Sep 8, 2022, 5 tweets

Today I asked this question of @PennyMordaunt MP the Leader of the House of Commons in Parliament:

“The Prime Minister yesterday agreed with the Father of the House that local authorities should be allowed ….

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….to protect what matters most to them and that applies as much to @DSA_Airport as it does to green belt.

Doncaster Sheffield Airport has planning consent for use as an airport……

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….,Does the Leader agree with me that Owners like Peel Holdings should not be allowed to use that land for anything else.”

I was pleased to hear @PennyMordaunt say that if there is anything she can do to assist me in securing….

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….a good outcome for the airport then she will.

It is clear to me that the land the @DSA_Airport sits on must only ever be allowed to be used for an airport. No warehouses. No houses. No to anything else unless it is an airport.

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If the planning law needs tightening up then let’s do so. We must protect our Airport. @DSA_Airport.

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