Athena Coalition Profile picture
We are 50+ grassroots orgs who represent 1M+ members across the US, building democratic power to end @Amazon's abuse of our communities / #WeAreAthena

Sep 8, 2022, 7 tweets

“We have a simple message to Amazon and Google executives:

End the Project Nimbus contracts.

Stop profiting from violence against Palestinians.”

Dylan @pal_legal:

“Slowly but surely the tide is turning against Israeli apartheid.

But we’re not there yet.

In the past year we’ve received reports of students, workers, and journalists who have been harassed, targeted, and fired for speaking up in solidarity with Palestine.”

Dinesh @JustFuturesLaw tells 200+ and growing rally of our comrades:

Our fights are intersectional. #NoTechForICE is in solidarity with #NoTechForApartheid ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻

Gabi, @AlphabetWorkers member:

“I stand here as a Jewish employee of Google opposed to Project Nimbus.

Project Nimbus is neither the first nor last in Google’s drive to be a military contractor.

It’s only through community & organizing with yall we’ve been able to push back.”


“We are asking these corporations to do the bare minimum: not violate the human rights of Palestinians, migrants at our borders.

One day we will look back at this moment like we look back at moments when workers and organizers fought to end South African apartheid.”

“They cannot silence or intimidate us.

They have tried and failed.

We keep speaking out, we keep growing our movement.

We are all part of this movement. Workers have always been central to our movement—tech workers, warehouse workers, all of us.” -@lsarsour

Thank you for following us — and please join our fight by following @MPower_Change’s calls to action below.

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free 💜

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