JOSE GEFAELL Profile picture
Data analyst. Science, Economy, Religion (and Politics when freedom is at stake). Venture Capitalist, Investment Banker. MBA. 5years BSc in Biochemistry.

Sep 9, 2022, 6 tweets

Spain: Strange statistics. At the same time that July Excess Deaths is the highest in recorded history (except March-April 2020), higher even than in any winter (also if we remove deaths attributed to heat), Covid deaths between May-August in 2022 are also higher than 2021 & 2020

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Source of data: Government of Spain.
Excess Deaths: MoMo.…
Covid Deaths: As reported by Expansión…

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Source of data: Government of Spain.
Excess Deaths: MoMo.…
Covid Deaths: As reported by Expansión…

As per Euro MoMo, excess deaths well above normal is occurring across Europe since at least week 21 (May 29).

Next weekend we will analyze how countries in the world have performed in terms of cumulative excess deaths per capita but since January 2022, which is what matters now

For those who say that Covid deaths are due to heat, hospitals in Spain do not have air-conditioning?
And even if Covid deaths in Jul 2022 had been = May 2022 (or even= Jul 2021), the cumulative deaths attributed to Covid for the period May-August 2022 would still be the highest

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