Dame K. Simone Hussein🌸🌸🌸🩸 Profile picture
Mother of 2 awake teens, love travel, history, books, animals, footy & snooker. Snorkeling is my happy place. Hate cruelty, ignorance & social climbers!

Sep 9, 2022, 8 tweets

1) My friends son wanted to join the army but failed the eye test. They told him to seek a specialist test thru his GP. His GP sent him to a place next to Neasden Temple called The South Asian Biobank - my friend who is awake accompanied her son - before he was allowed to do the

2) eye test they gave him a form to fill in see below - he asked why he had to do the form as he wasn't there to give samples he was there for a specialist eye test - they said he couldn't have the test without giving bodily fluid samples- incl a stool test 🤔 they left taking

3)the form & the business card with them. My friend did some digging & guess who funds The BioBank... the BMG foundation. Read the form thoroughly, it's horrifying. And they call this little scam Lollipop. So they are harvesting DNA & at a later date they could actually say they

4) found a 'disease' in your samples so need to vaccinate or treat you for that 'disease'. Check out the company below. Imagine if my friend hadn't been there or hadn't been awake 😳 @annaberu @CelticNotorious @thecoastguy @KwameA009 @nickkeca @SmithTarquin @LozzaFox PLEASE SHARE

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