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Sep 10, 2022, 7 tweets


Lycoris Recoil Episode 11
Some developments were easy to predict but they still looked cool as here with character confronting one another and scenes that simply looked badass. Majima's seiyuu has made a wonderful performance today. We're approaching the end.

It would have been anticlimatic to say fareweel to characters without them achieving any specific goal so Kurumi using her legendary skills to find out that there is another heart was most likely her role and also I feel that everyone expected there to be heart anyway.

What was good from Takina throughout episode is that she was constantly trying to find Chisato instead of being Lycoris. At the beginning of story Chisato said that if Takina thinks her place is in DA then that's up her choice and now we see that she put Chisato over mission.

This was such a obvious outcome but it was impactful mostly due to Yoshitsugu Matsuoka's performance. Majima surely made something that would not be easily hidden. That scene with civilian shooting Lycoris and her killing him in the process. He certainly exposed DA for sure.

Majima knew Chisato weakness and he used it well. One being her exraordinary skills to predict trajectory of bullet but also her no killing policy and used it against her. I thought there would be a scene when Chisato would be put in such position, not like its unexpected.

Majima's talent was showcased during flashback where we could see him with a blindfold during terrorist attack and if his vision was impaired then his hearing would enhance. Now its proven. That whole scene made Majima so much more menacing. Good stuff.

This is gonna become such an iconic scene, simple and great. Takina smashing through to save Chisato by also in the process enlightening the room which makes fighting in this situation easier. 2 episodes left and I don't think everyone will reach the finish line.

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