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Sep 11, 2022, 24 tweets

Healthy conversations about #Saitama and #SaitaRealty are fine and it shouldn't be taken as disrespect...but i will say little brother(SR) is helping big brother(Saitama) with that 1% tho and should be the other way around #Realtors WE GOT NEXT 🐺🏗🏣🏠🧱❤

#SaitaRealty is strictly based on 2 markets Crypto + Real Estate and thr demographics on where and who is targeted to(Dubai investors) they take Real Estate very serious.... so yes it could definitely sky rocket at a blink of an eye #Realtors

Shall i keep going on why i believe #SaitaRealty is the real gem here?? It will bring regular people and investors thats not into Crypto INTO crypto off of the fact how much power real estate below about investmenta and stable economy and TAX FREE MARKET #Realtors

Movie stars,Music entertainers,bankers,moguls investors etc.if you ever listen to them talk about what they do outside of what made them rich they will all say "business investments"then when they breakdown those investments its always "Real estate" why? thats how you keep your $

Real Estate insures that these billionaires/Millionaires keep and contain more imagine mass adoption of crypto packaged with use case of us using our #SaitaRealty to purchase property in the near future 🔥🔥🔥 #Realtors

Real Estate Tokenization..... what the devs gift wrapped for us is revolutionary in a sense of digital assets for potential physical assets ....imagine paying rent with your #SaitaRealty reflections and stake rewards YIKES!!!! Without even touching your #saitama

One of the other reasons im excited for #SaitaRealty and its headquarters being in #Dubai is Dubai wants to lead the charge on crypto use and ive already showed you that they lead in real estate now they're running the board with crypto #SaitaRealty WE GOT NEXT

So lets move away from #Dubai and lets look at america for example..if you read the white papers for #SaitaRealty they mentioned "affordable housing" this will be pivotal in America because most families will need it..but guess what it will be something that we already implement

*my speculation from watching,just MY speculation*
Lets look @ Kenya(Africa) @mannythehitman has already put his fingerprints on the hearts and some that are in political seats in Kenya..i mention this because i know kenya is focusing hard on crypto acceptance/affordable housing

One of the reasons i started watching the reach of what @mannythehitman has is watching his discussions about African countries.....yall watch charts i watch actions so yes #SaitaRealty would be beneficial to African countries that need help with development #Realtors

Lets not forget this tweet shall we .... #SaitaRealty

Oh just so you know in the photo of manny i shared a couple tweets up he was meeting with Kenya Bureau Of Standards..... build bridges and power moves #SaitaRealty #Realtors

Yall know damn well i cant leave @Saitamaguru1 out of mix some folks dont know Russ comes from a background of real estate and was a former owner of a Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary👀.might be nothing but Berkshire just moved to Dubai and focuses on real estate there #SaitaRealty

👀👀👀 just to show you ppl are going to #Dubai for Real Estate #SaitaRealty #Realtors WE GOT NEXT

Whats good #Realtors now that we have your attention lets go straight to the benefits of #SaitaRealty..... the most overlooked and important part of being a realtor most crypto projects allow you to buy in yes but how many of them allow you to be "Shareholders"

We will receive quarterly dividends in USDT or ETH for becoming shareholders by staking 🤫😉 which will be incentive for holding a floor which after time will reflect positive price action....

I believe we're at phase 2
1)10k holders(if you add CEX holders)
2)Small Exchange Listings
3)Staking Capability Enabled😍

But lets look at phase 3 👀

Pay attention to the green titles on the white papers .....lets go REALTORS #SaitaRealty #Realtors 🐺🏗🏣🏠🧱❤

Everything thats listed on the #SaitaRealty ecosystem i will go over it ...... we as shareholders can invest of course and @SaitaRealty as a company can actually get loans and grants lets start off with

Commercial Land Development

Business Complexes 🐺🏗🏠
Me and @BrownSugarLX (mainly her tho) been watching how important and helpful opportunity zones are if the devs never listen to me "we" would ask them to look into Op Zones @Saitamaguru1 @mannythehitman @ElonMansur @kleingabriel @Ntran1234 #SaitaRealty

Zero Emissions Homes
The company could get grants etc to transition homes into more climate friendly housing..... Some benefits to the families are rebates/returns annually #SaitaRealty #Realtors 🐺🏗🏣🏠🧱❤

Multifamily dwelling units
Alot of these units are geared to help families have affordable living(community) normally to allow families to save up money or to transition to better conditions #SaitaRealty #Realtors
Hopefully the company allow us to vote or have an imput on plans

Affordable Housing

I see its geared towards different demographics of i guess ill use the veteran's(we have charity setup for them as well) but housing for veterans could be paid for by us or the company @SaitaRealty could definitely get grants or loans for vets

WE GOT NEXT..... not only are we shareholders of the company we will be contributing to helping those in need that are having trouble with housing or commercial locations #SaitaRealty #Realtors 🐺🏗🏣🏠🧱❤

P.s when yall see the first property thats when the FOMO will kick in

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