Lee Yun Profile picture
Lee Seyoung- Shin EunSoo- Tian Xiwei- Minami Hamabe

Sep 11, 2022, 5 tweets

I feel pain. Jsj deserved better. Her whole life is filled with misfortunes #ItsBeautifulNow #ItsBeautifulNowEp47 #ItsBeautifulNowep46

This father daughter relationship is the thing I look forward to last few weeks. Many people hate because of them getting screentime but this is so painful yet beautiful to try to relieve the moments they missed earlier #ItsBeautifulNowEp47

Guess these 3 become friends #ItsBeautifulNowEp47

Not he got hit by Hae Jun lmao. They are still chaotic and it seems like Yoon Jae is pregnant bcz he is experiencing symptoms #ItsBeautifulNowEp47

Mirae finally got to know #ItsBeautifulNowEp47

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